March 10th, 2025

Police boot camp looking to add diversity to the force

By Trevor Busch - Lethbridge Herald on November 24, 2021.


The Lethbridge Police Service wants to put more boots on the ground and as part of a diversity mandate is launching a new police boot camp recruitment drive targeting female cadets.
The new four-day boot camp series is intended to help future female constables hone their physical fitness.
“The more diverse we are as a service, the better service we provide to our citizens, because we have more tools, more options, more strengths than weaknesses,” said Staff Sgt. Christy Woods with the LPS training section during a press conference on Tuesday. “I just want to reiterate that although this is a gender-based project, we will be having many different types of project that are focusing on diverse applicants in the next year.”
According to the LPS, all police recruits are required to pass the Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police Officers (APREP) test, which is the provincial standard used to determine the physical suitability of recruit constables. The test consists of a pursuit restraint circuit that simulates a foot chase as well as an aerobic shuttle run.
The LPS has partnered with CrossFit Framework to host four group personal training sessions that will put potential female candidates through their paces and help improve their confidence as they approach APREP testing day. Each boot camp will include a combination of strength and cardio exercises and there will also be an opportunity to connect with police recruiters who will be helping to coach the sessions.
The inaugural boot camp series is scheduled for December 3 and 11 and January 4 and 20, 2022 with space for 12 participants. Those who sign up will be expected to attend all four of the evening sessions.
The women’s-only boot camp initiative is one of several recruiting efforts in the works to try and increase diversity within the police service.
“Nationally, or throughout Canada, 22 per cent of police officers are female. For the Lethbridge Police Service we have 12,” said Woods. “You can see that’s definitely one of the areas we want to improve upon in our service.”
For more information or to secure a spot, email

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