January 16th, 2025

Ontario media studio sets up shop in Lethbridge

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on December 1, 2021.

Submitted photo A wheel chair user views a VR presentation designed by Winged Whale Media during an international tourism show in Montreal.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDapulido@lethbridgeherald.com

An international award-winning Toronto based media studio has recently expanded to Lethbridge.
Winged Whale Media has recently moved across the country from Toronto to Lethbridge, in hopes of creating local connections as well as with other communities in western Canada.
“I didn’t want to just compete against local, I wanted to be a local,” said Ed Limon, CEO of Winged Whale Media.
He explained that they wanted to be able to apply for requests for proposals and requests for quotes when a municipality sends out a bid in Western Canada, and it was a lot easier if they were local.
“With Lethbridge it’s so important to build relationships as strong as I can first here. Because if they don’t know me in my own backyard how are they going to know me out there?” said Limon.
He added that when looking for a place to expand to western Canada, he knew he wanted to be in Alberta as he has done some work in the province before and fell in love with it. He searched for a place to relocate with his family across the province, from Edmonton to Calgary, Banff, and Okotoks which was a big contender but Lethbridge was ultimately the place for him.
“Lethbridge to me is a city that is busting by the seams, that’s the way I see it. It is a city that is so ready to become this major metropolis,” said Limon.
He said that the fact that places like Calgary, Waterton and Edmonton are within driving distance was very convenient for the type of work his company does.
He explained that they specialize in producing strategic digital media solutions in both traditional and innovative markets. From broadcast television spots to online social media ads. The studio has embraced virtual and augmented reality technology solutions as an extension to their services.
“It’s not like we are trying to replace the real experience, don’t get me wrong. Our objective is to entice, educate and to inspire. That has always been our motto,” said Limon.
He explained the fact that a travel agency can use a VR headset to showcase their products and provide their potential clients a sneak peek of what it would be like to be there, helps them sell their products better.
He shared an anecdote from one of his clients using a VR presentation made by his studio. While in Montreal showcasing Antigua and Barbuda in 2018, a gentleman in a wheelchair approached their booth and asked to try on a VR headset. After experiencing some of the things that Antigua and Barbuda had to offer, tears came down his cheeks because he wouldn’t be able to do the things that he saw. But to his surprise the director of tourism was there and he told him that he would indeed be able to enjoy those things as Antigua and Barbuda were handicap friendly.
“All of a sudden the brochure that the gentleman had in his hand with all the packages and whatever, they became tangible, they became real and he booked a whole vacation right in front of our eyes,” said Limon.
Limon said that their clientele consists of work with international tourism authorities, hotel chains and tourism partners such as the Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Mexico, Sunwing Vacations, and Pullmantur Cruises among others.
“The fact that you have an airport next door is fantastic. If I need to not drive, hop on the plane I go to a travel show over in England,” said Limon.
He added that the studio has also worked with Cineplex, FujiFilm, Tim Hortons, Grant Thorton and various major municipalities such as the City of Vaughan, The City of Brampton & the Municipalities of Central Huron & Caledon.
Winged Whale Media has been named Best Craft in Immersive and Mixed Reality in the 41st & 42nd Annual Telly awards, gold winner of the NYX Awards, gold winner of the Hermes Awards and winner of the EDCO Award among other competitions within the digital sphere.

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I want to thank the Lethbridge Herald for the opportunity of being interviewed. What a wonderful article. Winged Whale Media is excited with our expansion out west. Lethbridge is fantastic!

Last edited 3 years ago by elimon