By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on December 11, 2021.
The Canadian Yoga Institute is partnering up with the Chinook Child and Youth Advocacy Centre throughout the month of December, to help them raise funds for the construction of their centre.
“Eighty-five per cent of the proceeds of the sales, of yoga passes through the month of December will be donated to them,” said Lyndsey Brees, general manager of the Canadian Yoga Institute.
She said the remaining 15 per cent will be retained by the CYI to pay for the cost of running the program.
“We chose to deal with the Chinook Child and Youth Advocacy Centre, because we feel is a very important charity that doesn’t exist within our city and we really love to help to support them,” said Brees.
She said that those who decide to donate, or purchase yoga passes for this purpose will receive a tax receipt.
The Chinook Child And Youth Advocacy Centre is offered under the Chinook Sexual Assault Centre and they are currently in need of support to renovate a space that will provide them with a forensic interviewing room, remote testimony room, office space, a therapy room among other supports, for children who experienced sexual abuse, physical abuse or severe neglect.
“It’s really heart warming for the Canadian Yoga Institute to come forward and say we want to help another service… for them to look beyond themselves to how they can really help their community, to make the community stronger. I think that is a real gift that we are getting that way,” said Kristine Cassie, CEO of Chinook Sexual Assault Centre.
The CYAC is dedicated to giving children and youth who have experienced sexual, emotional, physical abuse or severe neglect, a safe space to share their story and receive the support and resources they need throughout the entire disclosure, investigation, and judicial process.
“We believe these are services that are desperately needed in our region, so families don’t go broke having to travel outside of the region to actually get help for their kids,” said Cassie.
The CYAC provides specialized supports for individuals and families who have been impacted by abuse across 31 communities of southwestern Alberta, which encompass a total population of 195,491 with 26 per cent of that being children and youth under 19 years.
Their blended approach brings together a multidisciplinary team of community partners to offer coordinated forensic interviews, victim advocacy, court preparation and support, trauma assessment and counselling.
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