By Lethbridge Herald on December 17, 2021.
A potential threat issued against students and staff of St. Francis Junior High School prompted school and division administration to contact the Lethbridge Police Service, which conducted an investigation.
Later in the day, LPS concluded there was no threat to the St. Francis Junior High School community. When initially notifying the public on Thursday, Holy Spirit Catholic School Division had indicated there was “no imminent threat to staff or students.”
However, the division did order that Ecole St. Mary, St. Francis Junior High School, and Catholic Central High School (East Campus) would remain closed to all external visitors and students would be kept indoors while police continued their investigation. The division also requested that parents refrain from attempting to contact the schools while the investigation was ongoing.
In their own release to the public on Thursday at the conclusion of the investigation, the LPS determined that the threat directed toward students and staff at St. Francis “was not credible.”
According to the LPS, Youth Engagement Officers at the school had responded to a report that a threat had been written on school property.
Thursday’s incident at the school comes on the heels of threats issued earlier this week against LCI and Winston Churchill High School, which led to evacuations and closures of both schools for the day.