March 10th, 2025

Hobgoblin Foundation donating $50,000 over five years to Interfaith Food Bank

By Lethbridge Herald on December 24, 2021.

The Interfaith Food Bank announced earlier this week they have acquired a new “Food Bank Guardian,” a long-term commitment of support to ongoing operational costs.
Those who make substantial, long term commitments to provide for the future of the food bank are honoured as “Guardians” to mark the legacy and impact they will provide for future food bank users in the community.
Hobgoblin Foundation has become the latest Guardian by offering the Interfaith Food Bank an annual commitment of $10,000 each year, for the next five years for a cumulative total of $50,000.
“We are hoping this most recent commitment from Hobgoblin Foundation will inspire other groups to also make long term commitments of support to any of the expenses the food bank carries from year to year,” said Danielle McIntyre, executive director of the interfaith Food Bank in a press release.
Hobgoblin Holdings, the real estate development company owned by the Crooks Family, has for many years supported the food bank through the Gift of Giving Program, making annual donations in the name of the company’s commercial tenants. When the family established the Hobgoblin Foundation to increase the amount and impact of its charitable activities, it was a natural fit to support the food bank with a longer-term, more substantial contribution.
“We know that the pandemic has posed many challenges for our most vulnerable community members, and we are grateful for the support Interfaith Food Bank provides to the community,” said Claire Crooks.
She added that they recognize the need for food banks is not disappearing, and are willing to make this five year pledge of $10,000 annually.
With no sustainable funding options for programs offered by the food bank, this longer term commitment by Hobgoblin Foundation offers a type of sustainability and security for the food bank that will help to ensure food security supports are available to the community in the future.
Mikado Electric was the first founding partner of the “Food Bank Guardians” sponsorship program.
The Interfaith Food Bank encourages those who would like to make a long term impact on local food security initiatives to reach out to discuss options for planned giving and legacy gift options.

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