March 11th, 2025

Funding extended for Indigenous recovery program

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on January 13, 2022.


The Indigenous Recovery Coaching Program has been granted a full extra year of federal funding, under the Urban Programming for Indigenous People Funding Stream.
“We were pretty excited for the year extension. That gives us more time to work with our current participants. They really take advantage of the programming on the cultural aspect, but as well as they benefit a lot from the detox referrals and whatever it is that they need during their recovery,” said Cherie Shot Both Sides, Indigenous recovery coach.
Shot Both Sides said they currently have a little over 126 participants ranging between different recovery levels, and the extension provides them with further support. She explained that if they did not receive the extension, those in the program at the moment would no longer have that support.
“With the numbers going up, we have decreased the amount of programs that we’re putting up on a weekly basis. We are just in the middle of providing outreach with our peer support worker in the community, to not stop the engagement with our participants,” said Shot Both Sides.
The original funding was to be completed in March 2022, however, due to the success, funding has been extended.
“Our program is a one of a kind pilot project and we’ve been doing this work since 2017, so to see that we are being federally recognized for another year to be able to continue work with our participants is very exciting,” said Shot Both Sides.
The IRC is a recovery-oriented, community-based, and culturally informed recovery coaching program, working with individuals in recovery from opioid or methamphetamine use in Lethbridge.
“We have participants who are taking advantage of the Blood Reserve’s day treatment program at the Kainai Wellness Centre, and so we’re able to transport our participants out there,” said Shot Both Sides.
The vision of the IRC is to help participants through a restored connection to the old life with new experiences from a shared spirit of Niitsitapi.
The Coaches in the IRC Program are specially trained in recovery-focused strategies, having completed Recovery Coaching Certificates from the International Association of Recovery Coaches.

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