By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on February 2, 2022.
Alberta’s NDP caucus called for action regarding the blockade on the Alberta-U.S. border crossing near Coutts before an enforcement action by the RCMP on Tuesday began to clear out protestors.
They were demanding the UCP government seek an immediate court injunction to clear the blockade and free Alberta truckers trapped in Montana.
During the news conference Tuesday, two of those truckers joined Alberta NDP Multiculturalism Critic Jasvir Deol and Transportation Critic Lorne Dach.
“We truckers have worked at the frontline since the very start of this pandemic and have sacrificed a lot during this time,” said Alberta truck driver Sam Chahal.
 He said they have worked hard and had lost money and time due to the blockade.
Chahal said as of Tuesday morning, only the empty trucks have been told to divert from the Coutts border crossing and use the Del Bonita border crossing, which is adding extra time and costs. Meanwhile, fully-loaded trucks were still stopped at the border.
“This blockade is harming Alberta’s economy and leaving many working professionals stranded on both sides of the border. These drivers joining us today reached out to me yesterday looking for help. The UCP has done nothing to resolve this matter,” said Deol.
Truckers were stranded and were starting to run out of supplies, said one of the drivers.
“We would like to make it clear that all of us stuck here at the border are fully-vaccinated… Many of us have been stuck here for the last 72 hours, without food, medications and many of us have family emergencies at home,” said Alberta truck driver Kulwant Singh.
 Alberta truck exports total $7.25 billion USD, of which 58.3 per cent or $4.23 billion USD goes through Montana via the crossing near Coutts. This represents approximately $12 million USD in exports per day.
“The damage to our economy without that border crossing is devastating and the harm being caused to so many people to appease a small but vocal minority is not acceptable,” said Dach.
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