March 25th, 2025

Home radon testing important for health

By Ry Clark - for the Lethbridge Herald on March 18, 2022.


Health Canada is reminding Albertans to schedule annual testing for radon in their homes. Radon is naturally occurring in the ground when uranium in the soil and rock breaks down creating an invisible, odorless gas. When radon is released above ground it becomes diluted and doesn’t pose a threat. However, radon gases can become deadly when enclosed in spaces like homes where it can accumulate up to high levels and cause serious health concerns. Radon can enter our homes through any opening where there is contact with the ground, such as cracks in the foundation, ventilation, and floor drains.
“The radon concentrations do differ greatly across Canada,” said radiation specialist for Health Canada, Madison Pecoskie.
She says radon is found in areas where there are large concentrations of uranium in the ground.
“If your home does have a high level of radon there isn’t any need to worry about it. Radon mitigation is actually really easy… You want to get someone that’s certified by the Canadian National radon proficiency program.”
Health Canada recommends that all households test regularly for radon with either an at-home test kit or hiring a qualified tester. For home testing it is recommended to place the kit in a low-level area of your house that you regularly use, checking it around four times a year.
The current guideline for average home radon levels is 200 becquerels per cubic meter (Bq/m3) which is an acceptable amount to be detected. Exceeding that number residents should contact a professional certified in radon proficiency who can inspect the area and come up with solutions to reduce the radon and take preventable measures to stop the levels from rising.
“With the health zone that Lethbridge is in, the percentage of homes and radon levels over Health Canada’s guideline of 200 becquerels per cubic meter is about 8.9 per cent,” says Pecoskie.
Exposure to high levels of radon gas can cause serious health risks to your lungs with a potential to lead to cancer. Radon exposure is the main cause of lung cancer in non-smokers with the risk increasing the longer you are left exposed.
There is no cure for radon poisoning and the damage cannot be undone, but preventing the build up of toxic levels in the home is the safest way to protect yourself and your family. Home test kits can help show how much radon is naturally occurring in your home. With help from a professional you can look to seal up cracks and leaks in a home’s infrastructure to divert radon gases from entering.

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