October 17th, 2024

Cat ranch isn’t being treated fairly by the city

By Lethbridge Herald on March 24, 2022.


I read with much dismay of the poor cat ranch. Like Shirley Kalau, I can’t believe what has happened.

I’m sorry I voted the way I did. I’m so disappointed about this. This is a free country but that is garbage.

The people taking care of these beautiful animals deserve a lot better than this. Cats for many reasons are always treated badly. My dad and mom had a small farm and it became a dump depot for cats. People would drive up, dump off mother cats and babies and drive off.

At one time, they were feeding a couple of dozen cats. Any decent person should be sick to see this.

We always had cats and I’ve never been without a cat. I know several people who volunteer at the ranch. The city made rules – two people at a time. Bull. 

Food delivery once a week. Garbage rules. One of my grandsons who has cat allergies saw a cardboard box on the Coaldale highway. He stopped, and surprise, surprise, three baby kittens. Two were dead, one alive. He took the kitten home and his three boys love it.

In a decent city, both sides are at meetings and get heard. We honestly need another election to correct our mistake on who we elected.

I would like a chance to do my voting over and none of them are of any interest to me. Voter beware. We are in a dictatorship.

We have a cat with diabetes and he gets a shot of human insulin morning and evening. We would do without other things for Scribbles. If the city doesn’t fund it, get out of their space and leave them alone. 

We need to help the cat ranch as cats are also God’s animals. Help them or leave them alone. I’ll help them all I can but at 81 years of age, they need all our prayers and hopes for better things.

Down with crappy neighbours and uncaring people.

Minna Spackman


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Citi Zen

The law is the law. The Cat Ranch is/was in contravention of the law. Period.
The laws are enacted for the protection of all. Get your head out of the sand. And keep praying…..LOL


This decision had nothing to do with council. It was a city admin decision to enforce their bylaw which they never did in the past. Why that is, we may never know why