October 17th, 2024

Judge reserves bail decision for Calgary pastor

By Delon Shurtz - Lethbridge Herald on March 24, 2022.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDdshurtz@lethbridgeherald.com

After sitting through a two-day bail review, Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski still doesn’t know if he’ll be released from custody.
At the conclusion of the bail review Wednesday in Lethbridge Court of Queen’s Bench, Madam Justice Gaylene Kendell adjourned the hearing and reserved her decision until Friday.
Pawlowski, 48, has been in custody at the Calgary Remand Centre ever since he was arrested Feb. 8 outside his Calgary home. He faces criminal charges of breaching a release order to keep the peace, and committing mischief by inciting others to block the lawful use of public property. He also faces a charge under the provincial Critical Infrastructure Defence Act.
Provincial court judge Erin Olsen detained Pawlowski following a bail hearing Feb. 9 and 16 in Lethbridge provincial court, and said there is a substantial likelihood the accused will, if released, commit a criminal offence or interfere with the administration of justice.
“The accused’s pattern of behaviour speaks volumes about his willful commission of offences and/or violations of court and public health orders,” Olsen said.
Pawlowski’s charges stem from alleged incidents at the freedom blockade at Coutts in January and February. His arrest in February came only days after he attended the protest in the border town, during which he gave a speech at Smugglers Saloon and is heard in a video telling protestors to not give up the fight against government mandates.
During Tuesday’s bail review, from which evidence is subject to a publication ban, Pawlowski’s wife, Marzena, and his son, Nathaniel, agreed to be his surety and pay $10,000 and $2,000 respectively if the accused breaches any of his bail conditions should he be released from custody. Marzena and Nathaniel each testified Tuesday as witnesses for the defence.
On Wednesday, Lance Fader, director of the Calgary Remand Centre, testified for the Crown. Following his evidence, Calgary lawyer Sarah Miller and Crown prosecutor Steven Johnston gave their closing arguments.
At the conclusion of Miller’s arguments, she suggested Pawlowski could be released from custody on several conditions, which could include house arrest.

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