March 9th, 2025

Rock show pounds gymnasium at Gilbert Paterson Middle School

By Lethbridge Herald on April 30, 2022.

Herald photo by Alejandra Pulido-Guzman Gilbert Paterson Middle School students rocked their school's gymnasium with their From the Ashes Rock Show Friday morning to showcase their musical skills in front of students and staff.

Alejandra Pulido-Guzman – LETHBRIDGE HERALD –

Gilbert Paterson Middle School students and staff had the opportunity to rock out Friday morning during the From The Ashes Rock Show that took place at the school’s gymnasium. 

The show offered two performances Friday morning at 9:00 a.m and 11:00 a.m. for students and staff and another show for the general public at 6:30 p.m. 

Rock band coordinator Tanner Bexson said this was something they have been waiting for since their show was cancelled in 2020. 

“At the beginning of this school year in September 2021 they allowed co-curricular programming to come back, so we jumped right on it,” said Bexson. 

He said at the beginning they were not sure what to expect as the pandemic continued, but they were given the green light for a performance back in February and the students started to prepare. 

“They worked really hard this year. We had a whole bunch of time to do it because there wasn’t really much going on in terms of performance elsewhere, so it was all just practice,” said Bexson.

He said the students took it upon themselves to prepare as much as they could on their own, after they were taught how to play their respective instruments. 

“We got a really awesome group of kids this year, actually it would probably be one of the most engaged group of kids that we worked with. They really took it upon themselves to make sure that they were really well prepared and rehearsed,” said Bexson. 

He said the band consisted of a mix of grade six, grade seven and grade eight students.  

“It’s pretty crazy to see what a whole bunch of 13-year-old kids can pull off when they put their minds to it,” said Bexson. 

He said he hopes this group of students become trail blazers for future students. 

“We just want to keep providing this opportunity for them and hope to see where it takes us and launches into something that’s bigger, better and even more insane than we saw this morning,” said Bexson. 

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