February 5th, 2025

City council balks at Outreach Support Services Initiative evaluation

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on May 11, 2022.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

Lethbridge city council on Tuesday defeated by a 7-2 motion a request to spend up to $80,000 for a request for proposal (RFP) to evaluate the city’s Outreach Support Services Initiative funding system.
Only Mayor Blaine Hyggen and deputy mayor Jenn Schmidt-Rempel voted in favour of the motion based on a recommendation made on April 27 by the Cultural and Standing Policy Committee of city council.
OSSI funding is currently operated and administered by the City and several councillors expressed reluctance about spending money to evaluate its operation based on their understanding the system is working well.
The money would have paid a consultant to determine if the present grant management model of OSSI funding through the city and under the Community Wellbeing and Safety Strategy umbrella is producing best return on addressing community needs related to homelessness.
Hyggen and Schmidt-Rempel felt the City should spend the money to investigate if better options exist than the present system. Schmidt-Rempel said Lethbridge should consider a model used in Medicine Hat while Hyggen said hiring a consultant is something he would welcome adding he doesn’t believe the current model is working.
City manager Lloyd Brierley told council the existing program is working well but said there are opportunities to seek improvement or change. Community Services manager Mike Fox said most service providers are happy with the way OSSI funding is being presently delivered.
Councillor Jeff Carlson said he wanted to give the system a chance to prove itself before spending $80,000 on an evaluation, a position agreed with by several councillors including Nick Paladino, Rajko Dodic and Mark Campbell.

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