March 6th, 2025

Guide dog walk tradition continues

By Justin Seward - Lethbridge Herald on May 31, 2022.

Herald photo by Justin Seward Heather Sopher hangs with her dog Marshmallow alongside other dog owners, families and fellow Lions Club members after the Lethbridge Lions Walk For Dog Guides at Henderson Lake.

The Lethbridge Lions Pet Valu Walk for Guide Dogs fundraiser was held at Henderson Park for the first time in three years on Saturday.
The fundraiser ensures the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides can continue its mission of assisting those with a disability to continue on in their life with a guide dog at no cost.
“The turnout is pretty low, but you can expect that with people (not) wanting to get exposed to COVID and stuff like that,” said Barry Simmonds, co-chair of the Lethbridge Walk for Dog Guides.
“So, we’re doing pretty good actually. The last two years, we’ve been shut down and all virtual. So, this the first year that we’re getting back together and both Lions Clubs have great turnouts.”
There were 25 participants that were involved this year.
Simmonds said it’s more of a social thing to get people aware that the organization is out raising funds for dogs that will look after people.
Both Lions Club in the city have been involved in the initiative for the past 15 years at least.
“Well, back in 1925 Helen Keller challenged the Lions Club to be ‘Knights of the Blind,’ (the meaning of putting funds towards blind people for the Lions) and we’ve been doing it ever since,” said Simmonds.
Simmonds says the blind, through the initiative, can qualify for a dog.
“So, all they have to do is ask,” he said.
The local Lions Clubs have raised $10,000 in two months and the anticipated amount by the end of June will be between $15,000-$17,000.
“Which is the cost of training half a dog,” said Simmonds.
Heather Sopher of the Fort Macleod Lions Club said it’s always been her favourite.
“When I go to the conventions and stuff, I always like to talk about the Dog Walk and the charity for it,” she said.
“So it’s always my interesting one.”
Sopher’s hope is to see a guide dog heading in the way of her autistic nephew soon.
The Lethbridge Lions was third overall in Canada for the initiative in 2021 for funds being raised online.
There has been close to $200,000 raised through both Lions Clubs over the last 10 years.
The national dog walk went on Sunday.

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