March 3rd, 2025

Post office break-in nets $500 fine

By Delon Shurtz - Lethbridge Herald on August 11, 2022.


When police responded to a 911 call that someone had broken into the post office downtown, they didn’t know the caller was reporting himself.

Salar Khan smashed a window and entered the post office on July 15, then called 911 and told police what he had done. When police arrived Khan was just exiting the building, and he told them he broke into the post office because he believed he was being watched by unknown individuals.

“He did call the police on himself (and) provided a full and culpatory statement,” Crown Prosecutor James Rouleau said Tuesday in Lethbridge provincial court, where Khan, 29, pleaded guilty to one count of mischief.

Rouleau told court Khan had been sober for some time, but fell off the wagon. And even though no one was watching or following him as he claimed, police used their discretion to only charge him with mischief after he confessed to the crime.

Duty Counsel lawyer Brett Carlson told court Khan, who has been a farm labourer during the summer but returns to college in September, had been sober for three years before he committed the offence.

“He’s entering a plea at the first possible instance and accepting responsibility,” Carlson said.

Judge Erin Olsen commended Khan for resolving his charge quickly, accepting responsibility and resuming his sobriety.

“These relapses happen, as I’m sure you know, and I’m glad it wasn’t worse for you or for somebody else when that relapse did happen,” Olsen said. “I wish you well staying sober, I hope that continues for a very long time.”

Khan, who court was told has a lengthy criminal record for property related offences, was fined $500.

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