March 3rd, 2025

City council approves repurposing Spudnut Bakery building

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on September 15, 2022.

Herald photo by Al Beeber Council approved a bylaw amendment that will allow two residential apartments to be constructed on the main floor of the former Spudnut Bakery.


Lethbridge city council on Tuesday gave second and third readings to a bylaw amendment that will allow two residential apartments to be constructed on the main floor of the building known as the home of the Spudnut Bakery.

Council voted unanimously to approve the amendment.

Council heard from senior community planner Ross Kilgour during a public hearing at the council meeting on a recommendation to amend the bylaw. No member of the public spoke at the hearing.

The recommendation was to amend the land use classification of the property at 1102 5 Ave. S. – across from the Civic Centre track.

The amendment changes the classification of the property from medium density residential (R-37) to direct control.

The purpose is to allow conversion of the existing main floor commercial space into apartments. The upper floor would continue to house two apartments.

Planning and Design has selected direct control over alternative options because there was no standard district which would accommodate the preferred uses, the planned densities, work with the existing building’s setbacks and parcel size and allow continuation of the present lack of off-street parking.

The amendment is “intended to facilitate development that aligns with the MDP outcomes of an economically prosperous city, and a well-designed city,” says the submission presented to council.

The amendment would facilitate the addition of two new homes to Lethbridge aligning with the direction provided by the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan.

That plan says that planners are “encouraged to consider the efficient use of land principles including to build at a higher density than current practice, increase the proportion of new development that takes place within already developed or disturbed lands and utilize existing infrastructure,” says the submission.

The plan also says municipalities are expected to “feature innovative housing designs, range of densities and housing types and provide the opportunity for a variety of residential environments which feature innovative designs and densities and which make efficient use of existing facilities, infrastructure and public transportation.”

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