March 4th, 2025

Ticket surcharge decision for Enmax patrons deferred to November

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on September 29, 2022.


A request by Enmax Centre management to add a one-dollar surcharge onto tickets at that venue will be addressed by city council during November’s budget deliberations.

The Economic Standing Policy Committee on Wednesday deferred a decision on the request made by Enmax Centre General Manager Kim Gallucci.

The dollar, which would be added to every ticket sold – excluding Hurricanes games or Yates Community organizations, would be utilized to pay the salary of a full-time employee for a two-year term whose role would be to generate revenue through a city sponsorship program.

The aim of that program is to generate funds to reduce the Enmax Centre’s tax support and bring in additional revenue to the city.

Gallucci told the SPC that after two years, he believes the program could be self-supporting.

A report to the SPC said the program would sell sponsorship assets and programming opportunities for all City departments.

Advertising is an important part of the program and provides an additional opportunity to increase new revenues, said the report.

“Packaging of sponsorship and advertising opportunities would be developed and sold to a variety of different companies, organizations and associations. The package would be vetted by general managers in their respective departments and approved before being distributed and used for solicitation by the Enmax Centre,” states the report.

Deputy mayor Jenn Schmidt-Rempel said she wanted to refer the matter to budget deliberations so Gallucci could come up with an initial budget and review some elements on the potential inventory list.

Councillor Jeff Carlson asked if surcharges had been the realm of city council previously and if the matter could be handled administratively, a point echoed by councillor John Middleton-Hope.

Middleton-Hope also wondered what the perception would be from the public who are already now paying for parking at the Enmax Centre and who may be asked to pay an additional buck per ticket on top of the $5 parking fee.

Potential assets for sponsorships range from transit shelters and the Park ‘n Ride terminal to the Crossings leisure complex and Nicholas Sheran Ice Centre on the westside to the Legacy Park pavilion and plaza and Pavan Park pump house in north Lethbridge. Other potential assets include the Galt Gardens water feature, Henderson ball park clubhouse and the Kinsmen Fish and Game building.

Gallucci said the program could raise between $100,000 and $190,000 in its first year and up to $300,000 by the second and third years.

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