March 4th, 2025

City outlines priorities in 2022 action plan

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on October 29, 2022.


Lethbridge city council on Tuesday accepted the Quarter 3 2022 Action Report as information.

The report, submitted by Director of Finance and Corporate Performance Tony Vanden Heuvel, provided council with an update on the progress and status of initiatives in the Gateway to Opportunity 2022 Action Plan.

The plan contains 24 initiatives labelled as either Now, Next or Later that were approved by council in January.

Seven of those initiatives have been completed, among them five of eight that council identified as its most immediate priorities.

Completed initiatives include:

* Review CityLINK;

* Establish a municipal land banking strategy;

* Support a physician recruitment and retention plan;

* Establish a community wellbeing and safety strategy committee;

* Enable support for an emergency shelter and examine opportunities;

* Explore creation of a community care campus and;

* Enable support for a sober shelter and examine opportunities.

Fourteen other initiatives are on track while two are on hold and another hasn’t yet started.

“Significant progress has been made on achieving the goals city council set for ourselves this year,” said Mayor Blaine Hyggen in a press release about the action plan. “Much of the coming work for this year, as well as 2023 and beyond, will be a major focal point of November’s four-year operating budget deliberations.”

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