March 3rd, 2025

Police make record fentanyl seizure

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on December 24, 2022.


A 43-year-old Standoff man is facing charges after Lethbridge police seized more than $!50,000 worth of drugs downtown on Thursday.

The drugs include what police say is the largest seizure of fentanyl in the downtown core.

Larry Healy is charged with three counts of possession of a controlled substance for the purpose of trafficking, possession of the proceeds of crime, possession of a prohibited weapon, and three counts of breaching a release order. He is in custody awaiting a judicial interim release hearing.

Police say that about 10:15 p.m. Thursday, patrols and members of the Downtown Policing Unit were on the 300 block of 4 and 5 St. S following multiple fentanyl overdoses during the previous hour.

Police found a truck in an alley with the engine running and lights on and the driver slumped over.

When police checked on him, they observed “a significant quantity of methamphetamine” in his possession, said a Friday release from LPS.

After the driver was awoken, he was taken into custody and a search resumed in the seizure of about 204 grams of meth which police say is equivalent to more than 2,000 doses. Police also found 485 grams of fentanyl – which they say constitutes more than 4,000 doses – and 15 grams of cocaine.

Total street value of the drugs is over $157,000, say police. They also recovered $1,000 in cash, drug paraphernalia, brass knuckles and suspected stolen property.

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pursuit diver

No Surprise! There are several vehicles driving circuits downtown that deal drugs and overwatch the prostitutes. If our laws were similar to the US laws in some states, police could pull over those known vehicles, performing checks, each day, even multiple times per day.
In some of the southern states, police will pull you over for a license plate light out, other lights not functioning, overtinted windows, and other infractions they observed. When talking to the driver, they are observing all his movements, checking for odors of drugs, looking for evidence of drug use and if they observe any indications or evidence of drugs, it gives them probably cause to search the vehicle. They also will bring in a K-9 if no evidence is found, but they are confident the driver has drugs and he will do an “legal” walk around the outside of vehicle and if the dog alerts at any point, that gives probably cause to seach the drive and vehicle.
Drugs killed over 7,000 Canadians in 2021. Drunk drivers kill between 1,200 to 1,500. The legal system is seriously flawed.
It is time we put our judicial and penal systems in order, but we need a government in place that is going to focus on our country, our people, instead of trying to find ways to bring down governments, finding dirt on politicians and buying votes by throwing money at organizations and various cultural groups for the election purposes.
Busts like this could occur several times per month if police had the legislation.
Many of the dealers in vehicles on our streets downtown are operating vehicles that have obvious infractions that would give police a reason to pull them over. Even the Audi’s and Mercedes, that come down from Calgary to deal.
Great job LPS! Thank you for your hard work and dedication! Most of us appreciate it and know it is a tough job.

Last edited 2 years ago by pursuit diver

You want us to be like the USA? Eff off Neudorf.

pursuit diver

I am not a politician or UCP! So, you are either an addict, one of the dealers or just one of the criminals on our streets.
I didn’t say I waned to be like the US. I do want our police to have the tools they need to stop this senseless loss of life!
I actually like how some Asian and Middle East countries deal with drug dealers! They are murderers and don’t get the punishment they deserve!

Last edited 2 years ago by pursuit diver

So in 2019 he was charged with possession of $60,000.00 worth of drugs, released on bail and then arrested for another violation landing him in jail while he waited for the trial for the drugs. Here we are again… and again… and again.

pursuit diver

You are correct! People are charged and released all the time, only to continue their criminal lives/acts. The public was supposed to be protected by laws; now, the public is supposed to suck it up while criminals, who now have all the rights, can do whatever they want.
It is clear why the police are so dissatisfied with the system and why the United States mocks our judicial and penal systems. In point of fact, when one of those drugs-smuggling trucks arrives at our border, they should deny entry and notify US Customs and Border Protection that the truck contains drugs, where they are, and when they will return to them. This way, they can charge them under US law and they will be subject to US judicial and penal system.