March 4th, 2025

Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee appoint co-chairs

By Ry Clarke - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on January 21, 2023.

Herald Photo by Ry Clarke Charlene Bruised Head- Mountain Horse, Indigenous Relations Advisor, Patrick Wilson, Co-Chair-Elect, Echo Nowak, Indigenous Relations Specialist, Elaine Creighton Fox, Co-chair, and Mayor Blaine Hyggen, following Fridays Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee at City Hall, nominating the new co-chairs and welcoming new members.

The Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee (RLAC) met for the first time in the new year on Friday.

The committee welcomed its new members and began with the appointing of its new co-chairs. Seven new members were inducted into the committee since the last meeting in 2022. Elaine Creighton Fox, Indigenous community representative, was appointed as one of the new co-chairs, while Patrick Wilson, citizen at large, was appointed as co-chair-elect, tabling the position until February.

Creighton Fox was nominated for the position of co-chair by Hank Shade, Indigenous community representative, with others in favour of the nomination.

“Within our culture, when somebody offers you food or beverages you can’t refuse, so I accept,” said Creighton Fox. “This was really unexpected, I am very honoured that the committee has that confidence in me. I will try my best to move things in a positive way, but things take time. I have worked with leadership for about 38 years, so I know the processes and I am so happy that they have given me the opportunity.”

Patrick Wilson was appointed as co-chair-elect, nominated by previous co-chair Treena Tallow.

Wilson was appointed in the position, but a nomination for the position will be added to next month’s meeting in February.

Wilson said he has served as a co-chair before and would like to open the position up to others, while giving time for those on the committee to mull over stepping up.

“I have had the privilege of serving as co-chair for two years. I would be very happy to turn that over to someone else if there is someone who would be interested in doing it,” said Wilson. “I would be happy if you want to think about it for a month and we come back and see. If nobody wants to take it on, I am happy to do it. But I think it is important we get multiple voices in leadership roles on the committee.”

RLAC also saw the introduction of its new members. Lindi Shade (Education Sector Representative), Shelley Kirkvold (Education Sector Representative), Jade Oldfield (Citizen at Large), Marilyn Contois (Indigenous Community Representative), Tara Lennox (Business Sector Representative), Cassandra Chalifoux (Indigenous Community Representative).

“I know that the committee has, and will continue, to do great work within our community. Reconciliation is a journey that everyone is on in different spaces,” said Kirkvold. “It is an honour to serve Holy Spirit Catholic School Division, as a representative. But also speaking on our community as well.”

With one meeting down and eleven to go, the year is just beginning for RLAC and the goals it hopes to accomplish.

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How much is this city paying for these city employees in Indigenous Relations and this committee? Spend spend spend! We are getting tired, weary from having Reconciliation shoved down our throats!