March 3rd, 2025

Terry Whitehead named new U of L chancellor

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on March 16, 2023.

Herald photo by Alejandra Pulido-Guzman Newly appointed University of Lethbridge chancellor Terry Whitehead speaks on Wednesday at the University's Atrium.


The University of Lethbridge announced its 15th chancellor Wednesday morning during a ceremony where president Mike Mahon welcomed alumnus Terry Whitehead as chancellor.

Mahon said during his welcoming speech that the announcement centred around an individual with strong ties to the university and the broader community.

“I am confident he will not only strengthen the existing connections, but further our reach by establishing new relationships,” said Mahon.

During his acceptance speech Whitehead said it was a very meaningful day for him as he has been associated with the university since the first time he walked in as a student more than 35 years ago.

“I’ve benefitted immensely as a student, as a volunteer, as a donor and as a board member and I am extremely grateful for everything this wonderful institution has provided me over the years,” said Whitehead.

He thanked his predecessors, the chancellor search committee and the Senate for their faith in him.

Mahon said the ceremony was important to the student body at large because the chancellor plays an important role in their graduation.

“This announcement today is really about you. Our chancellor is central to ensuring you convocate. Without a chancellor, you could walk the stage but when you got to the other end, you wouldn’t have graduate,” said Mahon.

He said the chancellor also oversees the Senate, serves as ambassador and as an inspiring leader. Mahon added the chancellor also helps champion key initiatives in support of students, the student experience and the university as a whole.

Talking to reporters, Whitehead said it is an extraordinary honour to be named chancellor.

“It’s humbling, exciting and a thrill to be part of this champion university of Lethbridge in Southern Alberta,” said Whitehead.

He said the appointment will be for a period of four years and he was approached by the board – while he was one of the board members looking at candidates- to see if he would consider it.

“About six months prior to today, as a member of the board I was sourcing names and thinking about people to put forward and I was approached to see if I would consider it, and I was blown away, to be honest,” said Whitehead.

He thought about it for a while and since he lives in Vancouver, he wanted to make sure it would be something feasible.

“I get out here for lots of university events and as a board member, so I responded that I would be very honoured and humbled to be considered. And the committee of the Senate, the chancellor selection committee, they reviewed all the submissions that were nominated and I was advised in late February that the Senate had voted in favour of me. So it was a great honour,” said Whitehead.

Whitehead will be officially installed as chancellor at the Spring Convocation ceremony on June 1 and 2. He will also host his first Chancellor’s Dinner on the evening of June 1.

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