March 28th, 2025

Lethbridge-East forum focuses on seniors and healthcare

By Lethbridge Herald on April 26, 2023.

MLA candidates, Nathan Neudorf and Rob Miyashiro take part in an open forum this week at the Nord-Bridge Seniors’ Centre. Herald photo by Justin Sibbet

Justin Sibbet – LETHBRIDGE HERALD – Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Two Lethbridge-East MLA hopefuls went head to head at a candidates’ forum Monday as they tackled issues facing the city’s senior population.

Incumbent MLA, Nathan Neudorf of the UCP, and former city councillor Rob Miyashiro of the NDP, spoke at the Nord-Bridge Senior Centre, where healthcare was centre stage as the candidates touched on their party’s platform.

Miyashiro was the first to go on attack, and said the UCP has failed Alberta’s senior population when it comes to the healthcare policies.

“There will be no eradication of the public healthcare plan in Alberta by an NDP government,” said Miyashiro.

However, Neudorf said the UCP has already ensured the current healthcare system will remain intact.

“No cost will be charged to any patient for anything covered under the public health act,” said Neudorf.

The incumbent MLA said the platform was made clear in the 2023 Alberta budget with an additional $2 billion set to be spent directly on healthcare across the province.

“We’ve funded a pilot project right here in Lethbridge to see doctors being trained right here at our university.”

He said the project will not only help train new doctors in the province, but it will keep them in Lethbridge, as well, helping reduce the current doctor shortage that plagues many people in the city.

“Somewhere between 65 and 70 per cent of doctors trained in their rural or regional locality end up staying and practicing there,.”

However, Miyashiro said his party will see public healthcare become even stronger under the NDP.

“A Rachel Notley government will make this a foundational issue,” said Miyashiro.

He said the NDP will build upon the healthcare system, without sacrificing any services.

“We’re going to make sure that we don’t have a two-tier health system and we’re going to make sure that it is the kind of health system that was intended.”

Miyashiro said the NDP will continue its work on implementing a social prescribing system in the Alberta, which is paramount to help the government better take care of senior citizens throughout the province.

“[We will] create a social prescribing system in Alberta that’s made in Alberta for Albertans.”

He added Lethbridge is leading the work in this area across the province already.

“Senior Community Services Partnership in Lethbridge was recognized in a national social prescribing report last year as a best practice.”

Neudorf said healthcare also extends to social and mental issues, as well, and his government has taken great strides to ensure elder abuse goes the way of the dodo.

“Discrimination based on age is never acceptable,” he said.

He said the UCP government understands the needs of seniors in the province and they will continue to find new ways to help them. 

“We look forward to increasing our presence in this area.”

Another issue brought up during the debate was the ability for senior citizens to choose where they live.

George Berg, the Nord-Bridge Senior Centre board president, asked the candidates about the financial support each party will provide to seniors choosing to live at home.

“If elected, would your party support continued financial support for seniors which allows them to remain in their homes?’ Berg asked.

Miyashiro said the UCP has failed seniors by removing the indexing on the seniors’ benefits program.

“They took that indexing out at the last budget. That creates hardship for seniors,” said Miyashiro.

He also said the NDP will ensure the Canada Pension plan remains.

“An NDP government would introduce legislation to protect your CPP.”

However, Neudorf pointed out the UCP has reintroduced the index to seniors’ benefits.

“Early on in 2019, we did reduce the indexation for the seniors’ benefit… Now, I’m very happy to say that in budget 2023, we reindexed that and topped it up with a six-per-cent increase,” said Neudorf.

Both Neudorf and Miyashiro said they will continue to support senior citizens in Lethbridge, noting that their parties will ensure safety and security for the aging population.

Residents in the Lethbridge-West riding will get to see their candidates hold similar discussions on May 5 at the Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization.

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Southern Albertan

The NDP is appearing to be a more positive acceptable alternative to the proven untrustworthy, vote-getting, backpedaling promising by the UCP.

Last edited 1 year ago by Southern Albertan
Kal Itea

Neudorf a Deputy Premier for Danielle Smith etc.and only experience in the construction industry?
Miyashiro experience as Executive Director at Lethbridge Senior Citizens Organization, etc?
Easy answer, Lethbridge Seniors.


Anyone foolish enough to buy the bilge water being pedalled by the NDP and their acolytes here should seriously consider a psychological assessment before voting. You are deluded if you think either of the 2 NDP attack dogs in this City has the interest of the CIty or its seniors at heart. Just look at the downtown..thanks to the NDP and their hug a drug thug policies, which will only get worse if they squeak into power , you will need enhanced healthcare benefits if you dare venture into the core to bank, shop or take a bus.


Agree. The Ndp are like Carnaval Barkers yipping about the next great opportunity. Myashiro is a bully and full of himself and other things. Below is his parties track record in health care.
