March 4th, 2025

World-renowned music group coming to Lethbridge

By Justin Sibbet - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on June 21, 2023.

With more than a half a century of expertise, multiple Juno awards and a collective tally of over 25 million CDs sold, a Canadian music group is set to rock the stage at the Yates Memorial Theatre during a prairie tour.

Lunch at Allen’s is a music group made up of Cindy Church, Marc Jordan, Murray McLauchlan and Ian Thomas, and the band is performing a two-week tour of Alberta and Saskatchewan, with a stop in Lethbridge next Monday at 7:30 p.m.

Thomas, who has been active in the music scene for over 50 years, says the idea of coming to western Canada, from his home in Ontario, is always a delight.

“It has been the breadbasket, I suppose, of the nation and of the world I think, in many respects,” said Thomas.

He says he loves every part of the nation, from the Maritimes to the mountains and Lethbridge is no different.

“Lethbridge, it’s a good prairie town,” said Thomas.

He says this tour completes a cross-Canada run that has been taking place for Lunch at Allen’s over the past year and a half.

“Right after COVID, we did a B.C. run,” said Thomas. “Then we did a Maritimes run. Last June and last fall, we did a solid Ontario run.”

With the Yates Memorial Theatre being the destination within the city, Thomas says the only gratification a singer/songwriter his age requires is a crowd that is happy to see his performance.

“When you’re young, you think you deserve an audience,” said Thomas. “When you’re older, you realize what a privilege an audience is.”

Thomas says he still gets a great feeling when gazing out upon an audience, knowing that they are having a good time.

“When I do look out at an audience, usually what I see is a lot of people who we’re going to be sharing memories with,” said Thomas.

Furthermore, he says being a part of Lunch at Allen’s, who have performed together for nearly 22 years, has presented some of the best moments of his career.

“Doing the Lunch at Allen’s albums were the easiest albums I’ve ever had to do, they were just a joy.”

He says this makes touring much more enjoyable as well, since he will be with the people he wants to spend his time with.

“I’m going to be hanging out with some of my best friends and singing our songs together. I don’t think it gets better than that.”

While his memories with Lunch at Allen’s have been wonderful, the start of the band was unique. McLauchlan was the original mind behind the band, and he brought Thomas into it during a time when Thomas was no longer performing regularly.

“He was sort of determined to drag me kicking and screaming out of the studio,” said Thomas.

He says the two of them began planning their new band, deciding to bring Jordan in next.

“We both loved Marc’s voice and songwriting, so he was the next call.”

Church was brought in shortly after, completing the band.

“I had just seen her perform and was just gobsmacked with what a lovely writing and singer she was.”

He says the band immediately clicked and the fun hasn’t stopped ever since their first album.

“Before we knew it, we were going coast to coast virtually every year for 20 years.”

He says those who choose to attend a Lunch at Allen’s concert can expect to feel right at home.

“It should probably be close to hanging out with a bunch of old friends. Some of our songs are part of the soundtrack of people’s lives.”

He says the fun and comedy aspect of his band will also ensure that the audience leaves with a smile on their faces.

They can expect some familiar music, some solid songwriting and harmonies, and even a few laughs.

“We’re having so much fun and we kind of invite people to have fun as well.”

For complete tour information, go to

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