March 5th, 2025

Rose ceremony honours battle with breast cancer

By Justin Seward - Lethbridge Herald on June 27, 2023.

Herald photo by Justin Seward Paddlers and breast cancer survivors hold up roses before throwing the petals into the lake during the Rose Ceremony on Saturday during the ATB Financial Lethbridge Rotary Dragon Boat Festival.

The Rose Ceremony was held in between races at the annual ATB Financial Lethbridge Rotary Dragon Boat Festival at Henderson Lake Park on Saturday.

The ceremony is led by the Abreast Of ‘Bridge Dragon Boat team and honours survivors and for those that have lost their battle with cancer.

There were teams from B.C., Manitoba Saskatchewan that joined teams from Lethbridge Edmonton and Calgary in the ceremony and they walked over the bridge to the peninsula, while attendees created a tunnel of paddles for team members to walk through with their roses on their way over.

Petals were then thrown into the lake.

Donna Burton of the Abreast Of ‘Bridge team said it’s really wonderful.

“It’s moving,” said Burton.

“It doesn’t matter how many time you do it, you still cry, and it’s just nice to see everybody out there that are survivors.”

Burton did agree the ceremony does bring awareness.

“It’s kind of amazing to see that many that are still out and active and you know you just got to keep going.”

Burton survived cancer 31 years ago.

“The doctor at the time gave me a year at the most and here I am,” said Burton.

“So every day’s a bonus.”

This was Angela Schuurman of the Breast Friends Stingrays and Kaizen team in Edmonton was participating in her first dragon boat festival and ceremony.

“So what they said, there’s nine teams here full of breast cancer survivors,” said Schuurman.

“So that’s a whole lot of sistership and it’s hard to put into words just how incredibly touching and emotional that experience is. We’ve all been through a lot; you’ve challenged your body to make it through cancer and you don’t vision yourself ever being out on the water. And then you’re here, and you can and you can do it. But not everybody gets to do that forever and so to remember our other sisters is super important and really heart-warming.”

Schuurman was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021 while pregnant with her second daughter.

“So, it’s been quite a ride since then but happy to be healthy and here with Breast Friends paddling along,” said Schuurman.

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