March 6th, 2025

Reconciliation artwork sought for pop-up gallery

By Theodora MacLeod - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on July 29, 2023.

In honour of the Reconciliation Champion awards, the City of Lethbridge and the Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee are seeking artworks to be displayed at a pop-up gallery in the City Hall atrium throughout the event which will take place from Sept. 25 to 30.

Local artists in the Lethbridge area are invited to submit a maximum of three pieces of visual art relating to the theme of reconciliation for consideration. Charlene Bruised Head Mountain Horse, manager of Indigenous Relations with the city, says that the committee is open to the various interpretations artists may have of reconciliation.

“The context of reconciliation is really the coming together here in our city of Lethbridge between what we categorized as two communities, two distinct different communities, the Blackfoot indigenous people and the non-Blackfoot Indigenous people,” she explains.

“What we’ve found through art is this as an opportunity to gather, if words aren’t shared, then at least you know, the impact of what art can do is allow for expression to be shared. . . . create a space where people can view and not be prompted to need to discuss their personal reaction to the art, but a time to reflect a time to embrace or even just to become aware of the context of why reconciliation is so important. It’s such a valuable opportunity to look at reconciliation in a positive way.”

The deadline for submissions is Sunday at 5p.m. and accepted pieces will receive a $200 honorarium.

More information can be found at the City’s website

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