March 6th, 2025

Vocal crowd supports Pawlowski

By Lethbridge Herald on September 19, 2023.

Herald photo by Alejandra Pulido-guzman Artur Pawlowski speaks to a large crowd of supporters outside the Lethbridge Courthouse on Monday.

Alejandra Pulido-Guzman

As Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski waited for his sentencing verdict inside the Lethbridge Courthouse Monday morning, a crowd of approximately 80 people gathered outside in support. 

Christian music was blasting, dogs were barking, people were praying and waiting to hear the fate of their pastor. After court returned from recess, many took to Webex to listen in and those outside gathered closely to listen through the speakers as one of the supporters held the microphone to his electronic device once court was back in session. 

Hundreds flooded the online court coverage, with many outside the courthouse listening in their own devices and creating technological chaos by continuously being unmuted. Multiple times those in charge asked those outside to mute their microphones at no avail. 

Just before the verdict was heard, a deafening silence covered the front steps of the courthouse as the broadcast was interrupted. 

That didn’t stop the crowd to be able to celebrate once news broke about their pastor’s release. 

Once the crowd heard the news, everyone shouted, clapped and some wiped tears from their eyes while waiting for Pawlowski to emerge from the courthouse. 

Pawlowski approached the crowd and thanked them for their support and called them Canadian heroes, while also stating that he hoped his oppressors were listening as this was not over and on the contrary, it was only the beginning. 

“They used everything in their power to force me to say that I am guilty, that I am sorry, to apologize, but I have nothing to apologize for,” said Pawlowski. 

He said it was them who have everything to apologize for as they are liars, manipulators, political traitors, and they should live every day ashamed. 

“They have put my family through the ringer, that’s true. 

“Being in prison is no fun if you’re Arthur Pawlowski. Metal cages, solitary confinement, every day nurses and doctors would come to me with narcotics, take it, take them all, cocaine take it, in order to break us. But we are unbroken, and we are stronger than ever,” said Pawloski. 

He said they are growing every day as a political force in the province, and they are not going to stop, and that if people have learned anything about his family is that they are not quitters, they don’t bow to incentives and they are not for sale. 

“I have seen that we have no choice in our beloved Canada, but to fight this politically. Please Alberta, I am giving you an opportunity to have your own political party Solidarity Movement of Alberta,” said Pawlowski. 

He then went on to speak about what his political party would do if they won in the next election. He said that once in power, his political party will keep politicians accountable, they will reform the justice system so the judges and the Crown will not be above the law, they will reform the educational system to start teaching children instead of indoctrinating them, they will bring reform to the police, they will bring the Alberta Police Force. 

Pawlowski called upon the children who were present in the crowd and asked those in attendance is they are worth fighting for. 

He said he is not inciting violence as he is representing a solidarity movement. 

“The only violence we saw was always from the police and their soldiers from the government, just like we saw in our tour. I am telling you, give me enough Albertans and I will give you back your freedom, give me enough Canadians and I will give you liberty,” said Pawlowski. 

After he finished approaching the crowd, Pawlowski spoke to media and said he was fully prepared to go to jail Monday. So much so, that he had given everything to his wife, including his cell phone. 

“It’s a great thing that they did not lock me back in prison, but like I said the fight continues, the fight is on. We are filling an appeal as we speak right now and we’re going to fight it,” said Pawlowski. 

He said he should never have been charged with an offence, and he has not committed a crime. 

He said he maintains his innocence and will do it until the day he dies. He said they are appealing the guilty verdict. 

“Also I should never be sentenced to begin with or found guilty of any crime, because if I’m guilty of a crime then you (the media) are guilty of a crime, because you’re such pathological liars all the time, and every politician should be charged with a crime because they are actually murdering people as we speak right now with this crazy attack on our liberties and bodily autonomy,” said Pawlowski. 

He said he is not appealing the sentencing as he thinks the judge came to the right conclusion if he was in fact guilty of a crime, however he should have never been arrested. 

“I was there in a capacity of a pastor. A pastor should be protected just like the politicians are protected during their political speeches, a pastor should be protected delivering sermons,” said Pawlowski. 

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there is a god after all! free cocaine offers while he was being held?! no wonder our judicial costs so much