March 4th, 2025

Road work season set to hit the pavement

By Justin Sibbet - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on June 1, 2024.

Herald photo by Al Beeber Work has begun to finish the bicycle lanes on 7 St. S. to 7 Ave. S. The work will take about four weeks to complete.


It’s that time of year again when orange vests populate the streets with heavy-duty equipment to begin road work.

While frustration may set in after following a detour, the City of Lethbridge says it is important to keep the roads in top order. Furthermore, they will be rolling out all work this year in three phases to minimize the headache for commuters.

The first of these phases is set to begin on Monday. This part of the process focuses on concrete repairs in the areas around Lethbridge that need it the most.

Richard Brummund, road infrastructure manager with the City of Lethbridge says they are always keeping an eye out for the most crucial locations to work on.

“We do a condition assessment of a third of the city every year,” said Brummund. “We look at the worst roads and that’s how we pick (which to work on).”

While the official starting point for the road work is Monday, Brummund says residents will have already seen crews working this spring.

“We’ve been already doing some concrete work and some milling, getting ahead of the paving crew.”

As a result of crews being on the roads, Brummund says it is important for drivers and pedestrians to maintain safe distances, speeds and practices when around the construction sites.

“Stay clear and respect that trucks will be coming in and out,” said Brummund.

He says steering away form worksites and equipment is for the safety of both residents and workers.

“(This keeps) not only the residents are safe but the workers safe and they go home at the end of the day.”

Thankfully, Brummund says there are few safety issues arising from road work every year, though there are occasions that warrant a public reminder.

“We have the odd one, (but) we’ve got to keep our heads down and then keep doing our job.”

The first phase is scheduled to be completed by the middle of July, though weather could cause delays. The second phase, beginning immediately after the first, is set to include road milling. Finally, the third phase will conclude the seasonal work with crews applying new asphalt to ensure a smooth riding experience for motorists and cyclists.

To stay up-to-date or to use an interactive map outlining construction areas in the city, residents can go to Alternatively, residents can always call 311 for more information.

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