March 3rd, 2025

Cooling kits being given to the unhoused

By Alexandra Noad - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on July 23, 2024.

While the extreme heat may be uncomfortable for some, for vulnerable populations it can be deadly.

According to, unhoused populations are 200 times likely to die from heat-associated causes than sheltered people.

Among these at risk populations are youth.

Wood’s Homes is a non-profit organization in Lethbridge who focuses on working with youth under the age of 18 with access to basic shelter support through times of crisis.

Sarah Shaw, supervisor for the court emergency shelter at Wood’s Homes, says Woods Homes tries to help at risk youth get back on their feet.

“What we have learned through research that every time youth enter the homeless system, the chances of them having recurrent homelessness is more likely.” said Shaw “So, we focus on youth in a way to prevent and hopefully and to reduce that risk for young people so they can grow up and have a fulfilling life.”

To help these at risk youth Wood’s Homes is creating cooling kits. They are currently accepting donations of reusable water bottles, backpacks, hats, sandals, hygiene items and sunscreen as well as snack items such as granola bars.

Shaw says with no place to go, the extreme heat is a challenge for the youth.

“As everyone knows, we’re facing extreme heat here in Lethbridge and for young people who are without shelter it’s more unbearable, they don’t have places to go during the day that might be able to provide relief from the heat and access to a cooling kit will help provide some essentials that they need and make it more tolerable for them.

Donations can be dropped off at 212 3rd St. S.

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Is the city opening cooling places this year!?