March 1st, 2025

Candy parade a sweet treat

By Justin Seward - Lethbridge Herald on August 13, 2024.

Herald photo by Justin Seward Mayor Jack Van Rijn tosses treats to parade goers along the route during the Candy Parade on Saturday as part of Coaldale Summer Fest.

Hundreds of people flocked to the streets of downtown Coaldale for the Candy Parade during the town’s annual Summer Fest weekend on Saturday.

There were as many as 50 floats and participants parading down the town’s streets throwing out candy to the onlookers from the sidewalks.

“It’s just always been kind of the highlight of the summer for Coaldale residents,” said Clayton Varjassy, Town of Coaldale community experience manager.

Parade lead Mark McIntosh said there were many horses this year which is good to see.

There were categories such as animals, commercial, child and youth, marching band, animal floats, local businesses and farming equipment to name a few.

“I was out there for the marshaling and I managed to get into a vehicle and go through half of it and(a)really good spirit and good crowd,” said McIntosh.

McIntosh said there was a good turnout for the parade among residents.

“I got up to probably a bit past the halfway point and (it was) just super busy the whole way,” said McIntosh.

This year’s theme was sport and recreation based on the continuation of hosting the Southern Alberta Summer Games and the new recreation centre opening up.

Monica Tabbert was at the parade with her son.

“If my son enjoyed it, it’s excellent, and he did,” said Tabbert.

Tabbert said they did good, when asked about the floats.

“(It) took a lot of time for them to decorate it and they all look nice,” said Tabbert.

Summer Fest, Tabbert said, brings families together.

Ben Boyle enjoyed seeing how the floats were decorated and designed and was hoping to get a lot of candy.

Kallum Kristianson liked being with his cousins and friends and getting candy at the parade.

“They’re funny,” said Kristianson of the floats.

He was hoping not to get too much candy because he wanted to avoid a stomach ache.

Summer Fest had attractions including Movie in the Park, a pool party and free swims, a show and shine, family zones, a Domesticated Divas Market, fireworks, and cowboy church.

There was various entertainment on the Civic Square and John Davidson stages and there was various food and beverage options.

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