March 1st, 2025

Polytechnic hosting events for students and staff looking for addiction recovery community

By Alexandra Noad - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on September 6, 2024.

Lethbridge Polytechnic Wellness Services will be hosting its first Donuts and Discussions today for students and staff who are looking for a community in addiction recovery.

Donuts and Discussions program originated out of University of Calgary, which many post-secondaries around the province are implementing in their schools.

Lori Harasem, health promotion coordinator at Lethbridge Polytechnic also sits on the Recovery on Campus in Alberta (ROC) committee.

According to the ROC website they are an Alberta wide Initiative which not only supports but celebrates recovery. They have committee members from all 26 post-secondary institutions in Alberta which meet monthly to discuss gaps, needs, services and other topics surrounding addiction and recovery support for students and staff.

Harasem says while the Polytechnic has done several initiatives on addiction and recovery over the years, but this is the first time hosting a discussion for people who are interested in recovery, in recovery or allies to those in recovery.

“We’ve done a number of initiatives around recovery and addiction support on campus, but this is the first semester of doing this in discussion,” said Harasem.

Steve Johnson, student support advocate and certified mental health nurse, will be facilitating the discussions and says there are a wide range of topics related to recovery that can be covered during the discussions.

“It’ll be somewhat peer led so, there may be discussion and topics just around what’s going on and opening up with each other,” said Johnson.

Some of these topics include addiction in the brain, self-esteem and self-worth regarding addiction and motivation and recovery.

Johnson says it is important for students who are in recovery to have a safe community around them.

“I think it’s really important that we provide some kind of service that we can help students in their process and help students understand how they can help each other out within the addiction recovery,” said Johnson.

Harasem says Wellness Services at the polytechnic tries to bring awareness that addiction isn’t just about drugs and alcohol.

“I think one of the things we are trying to get across is that Donuts and Discussion isn’t just about drugs and alcohol…addiction is a lot wider than we think,” said Harasem.

Johnson says people struggling with addiction often present symptoms associated with other mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, so viewing the big picture regarding mental health is important to support addiction recovery.

“I think it’s important to the realize that people who are struggling with addiction of any kind, often present to us at Wellness Services as depression issues or anxiety issues. So, it’s really multifaceted and we need to look at kind of that big picture of mental health and decreasing that stigma,” said Johnson.

Along with mental health support for students Wellness services also offers events for students to enjoy and make connections without alcohol being involved.

“We’ve also been trying to offer non-alcohol or substance free options when there is a big event that might be more of a party atmosphere So, like we’ve done movie nights as an alternative and things like that,” said Harasem.

Harasem says Wellness Services will continue to hold these events throughout the year.

Donuts and Discussions will be held every Friday at 11:30-12:30 in TE1228 at Lethbridge Polytechnic both students and staff are welcome to attend the sessions.

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