February 28th, 2025

Talk on homelessness part of University of Lethbridge series

By Alexandra Noad - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on September 17, 2024.

The University of Lethbridge is presenting six topics around six issues and six opportunities to engage with experts who are at the forefront of research in their field.

This year’s lineup for their PUBlic Professors Series include topics such as why honey bees are practically magic, will Generative AI change the world and does reading even matter anymore.

Dena McMartin, vice-president of research at the University of Lethbridge, says PUBlic Professor gives the opportunity for professors to engage with a broader community so more people can enjoy the breadth of study students get to enjoy while enrolled at the university.

“At its core, PUBlic Professor has always been about community outreach and allowing the broader community the opportunity to engage with our faculty members and tap into their insight and expertise,” said McMartin.

The first talk on the series will be on Sept. 26 at the Sandman Signature Lodge where Rebecca Schiff, deputy provost for the University of Lethbridge, will be speaking on ending homelessness.

With the explosion of homelessness across the country, Schiff wants to send the important message that hope is not cancelled.

Schiff has worked with both individuals experiencing homelessness as well as homeless agencies and organizations across the country.

While Schiff has been researching homelessness since 2006 with her research implementing different programs to understand how well the programs work and what supports are needed to keep them running.

Schiff says she plans on sharing her thoughts on how to eradicate homelessness in Canada.

“Unfortunately, over the past two to three years, homelessness has doubled, tripled or more in most communities across our country,” says Schiff. “In my talk, I’ll share ideas, thoughts, solutions and actions that we can take to ensure that we can end homelessness in Canada,” said Schiff.

Schiff says ending homelessness is a community effort and there is no one-size-fits- all solution.

“Ending homelessness as a whole is a community response. I don’t think we can just put it on an organization and say, ‘they’re going to solve it.’ The more everyone understands what’s needed, the more we can break down the stigma and ensure that we’re supporting organizations in the right way,” said Schiff.

Schiff believes the best way to understand homelessness and what they need is to go directly to the source.

One of the things I’m going to focus on in my talk is that we need to listen to people who are experiencing homelessness or have experienced homelessness when we’re planning and making policy,” said Schiff.

McMartin says she’s excited about this year’s line-up especially with the diversity of subjects.

“This year’s lineup of speakers is diverse in subject matter, extremely topical and one I’m really excited about. We have some very difficult issues that will hit close to home for many people and others that are more light and extremely fascinating,” said McMartin.

The series will be held at some new venues this year including the Agri-Food Hub and Trade Centre, Slice Bar and Grill and The Owl. McMartin hopes these new venues will welcome some new faces.

“Some of the topics lend themselves well to new venues and hopefully we will welcome some new community members and ULethbridge alumni who have never experienced a PUBlic Professor presentation before,” adds McMartin.

The full list of the series can be found at: https://www.ulethbridge.ca/research/public-professor

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