March 13th, 2025

Indigenous peoples have complicated relationship with Thanksgiving

By Lethbridge Herald on October 12, 2024.

Herald file photo Alvin Mills, founder of the Kii Maa Pii Pii Tsin Healing and Recovery Camp, at left, along with volunteer Monte Kelman, hand out bannock sandwiches to some of the city’s vulnerable outside the Lethbridge Public Library downtown in this Herald file photo.

Alexandra Noad

Since the early 1600s, Thanksgiving has been celebrated by settlers of Canada and the United States, however many Indigenous people have a complicated relationship with the holiday due to its colonial history.

Alvin Mills a member of the Blood Reserve, says he wasn’t always aware of the colonial history of Thanksgiving.

“I was totally ignorant to the roots of Thanksgiving,” said Mills.

Mills added that Indigenous cultures, including Blackfoot, believe they have always had Thanksgiving, even before the settlers arrived.

“We would gather, especially after hunting, and have a feast. So, we were probably practicing Thanksgiving without even knowing it,” said Mills.

While Thanksgiving may have good intentions, many Indigenous people associate Thanksgiving with the stealing of their lands and the colonization of their people.

According to websie, the first Thanksgiving was celebrated in November of 1621 between Pilgrims who journeyed from England to what would eventually become the United States and Indigenous allies from the Wampanoag tribe.

These allies stemmed from Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who was kidnapped by an English sea captain, sold into slavery and then escaped to London and returned to his homeland.

Squanto helped show the Pilgrims how to live off the land and build relationships with Indigenous people.

This 50-year alliance was one of the very few examples of harmony between the Indigenous and colonists.

Mills believes that while the history is dark, Thanksgiving can be used by Indigenous people to build reconciliation.

“Thanksgiving is for Indigenous to recognize that’s another part for reconciliation to be looked at. It’s always going to be a two-way street,” said Mills.

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Mr. Mills, a good friend of mine who is no longer allowed to comment on this forum for being truthful with factual information respects you and supports you, so I will be careful not to offend you or cause you any pain.
I say this in an effort to help you and your people: quit looking in the past, stop blaming, stop the accusations and stop forcing reconciliation on us. Many refuse to watch the news when they hear reconciliation and more accusations. You will not succeed in true reconciliation by force, and many are tired of the accusations, when many were not even born. If you want to heal, stop looking in the past, focus on healing today, this second, this minute, this hour and speak success into the future. You will never change the past, and there were many issues over the last 150 years on both sides, not just the settlers.
Healing begins with forgiving the past, which no one can change – focusing on today and thinking positive thoughts like: I will be stronger, I will be healthier, I will enjoy each minute of each day, I will be successful, and everytime your mind starts to blame or think about the negative past, ‘delete’ those thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts and how today will be a great day and tomorrow better! If you think we are just trying to be colonialists by telling you this, you are wrong, because we want you to succeed more than you do!
You want respect for your culture, but you constantly attack our culture such as giving thanks at this time. You want to share your culture, while asking us to remove ours. Is this how one reconciles? Many of us feel it is reconcile or else! Part of reconciliation is to forgive and forget the past which has cause one or both parties pain and suffering. Please Mr. Mills, have a peaceful holiday weekend and celebrate it however you wish and keep up your devoted humanitarian work!


Yes I suspect a few people did not even read this article based on the title. Allan help your people move forward. Be part of the positive momentum.


Thank you Alvin 🙂 You’re a wonderful human being. The Blood also has a Very important election coming up this November for Chief and council positions. Please consider change as it all begins at home! I support First Nation’s people. In order to get healthy, we must forgive or it kills us inside. We can’t change the past and by keeping revisiting it takes any chance of serenity out of today. There are so many things I’d like to change as well… Nazi camps, what is happening in Gaza and Ukraine. Fight for things that are wrong today for those issues we have a chance to change. I wish you all for the betterment for you, your loved ones and future generations to come. Please vote for change!

Last edited 4 months ago by bladeofgrass

Yes Allen get more of your people engaged in their election process. Start demanding accountability from the Blood council.