October 26th, 2024

UCP to introduce 13 bills in fall legislature session

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on October 26, 2024.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

An Alberta Bill of Rights is among 13 pieces of legislation the provincial government will be introducing in the fall session of the Alberta legislature which begins on Monday.

The province’s list of bills also addresses gender affirming actions and transgender athletes.

Government House Leader and Minister of Tourism and Sport Joseph Schow listed the UCP’ priorities on Friday in a media scrum.

The Bill of Rights, which the MLA for Cardston-Siksika said would include new rights for Albertans, is among legislation which also includes the right to acquire, keep and use firearms in accordance with the law and protections for personal autonomy.

Those protections include the right not to be given medical care, treatment or a vaccine without consent.

Schow said in the first year since the 2023 provincial election, the government “was able to make strides to improve access to high quality healthcare in the province, keep communities safe with the introduction of new navigation support centres and increased police boots on the ground to keep Albertans protected where federal policies have failed and have stood up to federal over-reach at every turn.”

Proposed legislation “enshrines and fortifies Alberta’s rights and freedoms,” said Schow.

Strengthened property rights will also be addressed in the session.

The government will also introduce proposed legislation to preserve the choices children and youth have before making what Schow called life-altering and often irreversible adult decisions on altering their biological sex.

Legislation will also support student well-being in schools “by strengthening the ties between parents and their children’s education.”

Legislation will be introduced that will ensure biologically-born women and girls have the chance to compete in biological female-only categories to ensure fairness in sport, Schow said.

The government will also create co-ed divisions to ensure opportunities so transgender athletes can “meaningfully” participate in sports, Schow said.

The protection of rights and freedoms “comes in addition to our ongoing work to build a prosperous future for our province. Alberta’s government will continue to diversify Alberta’s economy, cut red tape, streamline processes and maintain Alberta’s status as one of the top business and investment-friendly environments in North America,” Schow added.

In response to a question about the urgency to introduce bills before the UCP review of premier Danielle Smith’s leadership next weekend, Schow responded “I think there’s an urgency to get all 13 bills tabled as soon as possible so that Alberta can see them, so that we can debate them robustly in the chamber and the Opposition gets to do their job as the Opposition and work to hold the government accountable. I think we’re really being responsible to the demands of people.”

Schow said Smith has talked to Albertans about their priorities and those are reflected in upcoming legislation.

The Bill Rights will be addressed first, said Schow, “to put a real emphasis on how important this is to us and how important it is to Albertans based on what we’ve heard from consultation as we’ve travelled the province.”

He said in response to a question that all gender reassignment surgeries for Albertans 17 and under will be prohibited, the use of puberty blockers and hormone therapies for the purpose of gender reassignment or affirmation won’t be permitted for children 15 and under except for those who have already commenced treatment and mature teens aged 16 and 17 can only choose to commence puberty blockers and hormone therapies for gender reassignment and affirmation purposes with parental, physician and psychologist approval.

Bills the government plans to introduce this fall include:

• Alberta Bill of Rights Amendment Act, 2024

• Early Learning and Child Care Amendment Act, 2024

• Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024

• Education Amendment Act, 2024

• Meat Inspection Amendment Act, 2024

• Fairness and Safety in Sport Act

• Service Alberta Statutes Amendment Act, 2024

• Justice Statutes Amendment Act, 2024

• Financial Statutes Amendment Act, 2024

• Protection of Privacy Act

• Access to Information Act

• All-season Resorts Act

• Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2024

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