February 27th, 2025

Remembrance Day crosswalk motion on council agenda

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on November 12, 2024.

Herald photo by Al Beeber An official business motion will be presented to city council today calling for the development of a plan to design and install a decorative Remembrance Day crosswalk on 4 Ave. S. adjacent to the Cenotaph.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

Lethbridge city council will be meeting three times this week, twice in its capacity as Economic and Finance Standing Policy Committee which will spend two days on its annual budget review.

Today, mayor Blaine Hyggen and councillor Ryan Parker will present an official business motion calling for the development of a plan to design and install a decorative Remembrance Day crosswalk on 4 Ave. S. adjacent to the Cenotaph and the City of Lethbridge cover any costs up to a maximum of $10,000 from council contingencies.

Their motion states that the City has previously approved the painting of decorative sidewalks on the condition that costs not be covered by the City but notes the City is also pursuing new ways to honour veterans and continues to support Remembrance Day initiatives including the Salute Our Veterans program.

The motion also states that the City recognizes the importance of honouring veterans and there are many ways to do that.

Also on the agenda are several requests that council give first reading to bylaws.

The first regards Bylaw 6459 – a land use bylaw amendment regarding the properties at 404 and 408 12 St. S. Applicant Kyle Wurzer wants to rezone two parcels of land both containing single detached dwellings from Low Density Residential to Direct Control which would allow for the consolidation of the properties for the development of 12 dwelling units designed to appear as four townhouses with secondary suites and a fourplex.

A submission from City community planner Kurt Fisher says Direct Control “would allow for this unique development that would otherwise not meet the requirements of a conventional residential land use district.”

The properties are located near the periphery of the London Road Neighbourhood within walking distance to downtown and are situated in the mixed use area of the London Road Area Redevelopment Plan.

“This area acts as a transition between the public/institutional uses on the Civic Centre Block to the west and the Residential nature of the inner neighbourhood to the East,” says Fisher’s submission.

Council will also be asked to give consideration to an application to redevelop vacant properties at 524, 528 and 532 13 St. S. to provide as many as 47 apartments and up to two commercial units or up to 49 apartments with no commercial units.

Applicant Scott Vargas of Sumus wants to construct an apartment building up to six stories in height and to enable this, has applied to amend the LRADRP, those amendments which would only apply to this particular site.

Sumus is also applying to redevelop vacant properties at 537, 539 and 543 13 St. S. with a six storey building containing a maximum of 49 apartments or 47 apartments and two commercial units.

And Sumus is applying to have the LRARP amended to allow the construction of similar building as the previous two applications at 605 5 St. S. and 510 6 Ave. S. The 5 St. S. property has been vacant since three existing homes were demolished in 2020 while the 6 Ave. S. property has a small commercial building.

Council will also be asked to give second and third readings to a new bicycle bylaw which includes regulations on the use of various types of cycling infrastructure and continues to regulate bicycle parking while removing the requirement for licence plates.

Key changes to new Bylaw 6247 include the addition of e-bikes to the definition of bicycle and added details for management of use of bike lanes.

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What measures will the city take to ensure that the increased density from these new Incredibox Colorbox Mustard apartment developments aligns with the character and needs of the existing London Road Neighbourhood?