February 27th, 2025

Christmas Hope campaign kicks off at City Hall

By Lethbridge Herald on November 18, 2024.

Representatives of the six city agencies involved in the Christmas Hope campaign pose for a photo. From left to right are Denille Tizzard of the Lethbridge Food Bank, Michelle Gallucci of Lethbridge Family Services Angel Tree, Zach Marshall of the Salvation Army, Jenn Tribble of MyCityCare Shop of Wonders, Nicole Bosh of Volunteer Lethbridge and Danielle McIntyre of the Interfaith Food Bank. Herald photo by Al Beeber

Al Beeber – LETHBRIDGE HERALD – abeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

With cold wintry weather outside, mayor Blaine Hyggen threw the switch to light up the City Hall Christmas tree as six agencies joined forced to launch the 18th annual Christmas Hope campaign Monday.

Agencies involved in the campaign include the Salvation Army, Lethbridge Family Services Angel Tree, the city’s two food banks – Lethbridge and Interfaith, MyCityCare Shop of Wonders and Volunteer Lethbridge.

Danielle McIntyre, executive director of the Interfaith Food Bank, told an audience of media, City Hall employees and others that the agencies have jointly committed to assist 10,000 people including 6,500 adults and 3,500 children.

Because the organizations share clientele, they have joined forces to make the most of available resources and reduce duplication of services.

Agencies work from a master list to avoid that duplication and to share the work load.

Each organization has a specific mandate:

* Lethbridge Family Services Angel Tree provides gift bundles for children 0 to 18 years of age in Lethbridge and area. They can be picked up at the Toy Deport or families residing in Lethbridge can have bundles delivered by volunteers ore referral agencies. Registration can be done at https://www.lfsfamily.ca/register

• Salvation Toys for Tots provides two options including gift bundles for kids aged 0 to 18 or limited appointments for parents to personally shop for children’s gifts. Registration can be made online at  by completing the Toys for Tots registration form or by calling 403-929-3884. Assigned appointment times will be provided for shopping at the Salvation Army church.

• MyCityCare Shop of Wonders for Lethbridge and Taber provides a “a full family experience where families are able to shop for free” at the shop. Appointments will be arranged for each family/client by date and time and includes shopping for gifts for free plus access to stocking stuffers and free gift wrapping services. People can apply online, in person or by phone at 403-942-1378.

Three standard sizes of Christmas hampers will be available that include the same items regardless of which agency distributes them.

Organizers are hoping to get enough food stock to serve about 2,000 households have have already been stockpiling items But more help is needed from the community in the form of food and cash donations.

The most wanted food items include Christmas fare such as turkeys, hams, chickens, cranberry sauce, stuffing mix canned vegetables, canned meats and fish, peanut butter and jam, cereal dry pasta and pasta sauce, baby food, canned soup/mix, canned fruit, pork and beans, macaroni and cheese, instant noodles, chili/canned pasta and other items.

Multiple volunteer opportunities are also available with Volunteer Lethbridge promoting them to partner agencies. As an example, the Salvation Army needs volunteers to do two-hour shifts at its seven Red Kettle locations. About 200 shifts still need to be filled.

Information about donating to the campaign can be found at the official website http://www.christmashope.ca. The website lists a wide range of possible gift ideas for different age groups.

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