February 27th, 2025

Election sign vandalism sparks concerns

By Alexandra Noad - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on November 28, 2024.

Herald photo by Alexandra Noad A UCP sign sits buried in the snow along Whoop-Up Drive earlier this week.

Tensions are getting high with the Lethbridge-West election is just a few weeks away and UCP candidate John Middleton-Hope is reminding people to keep things civil.

Over the weekend a video surfaced of a lady destroying UCP signs along Metis Trail and Whoop-Up Drive, which Middleton-Hope says his campaign is disappointed to see.

“It’s absolutely unnecessary and our campaign certainly doesn’t appreciate it,” said Middleton-Hope.

Middleton-hope says this “adolescent behaviour” needs to stop and is much different than conversations between candidates.

“Conversations between Rob and I or the premier and Mr. Nenshi that’s part of the process, but this kind of behaviour is not appropriate,” said Middleton-Hope.

According to Middleton-Hope, the lady was confronted about her actions, and in response she has made offensive remarks and continues to wreck signs.

The Herald reached out to the NDP about the incident and they provided a statement saying: “We strongly condemn and all vandalism and are committed to letting the voices of all Lethbridge voters be heard.”

Many UCP supporters have stepped up to either brush off signs or even replace signs which have been damaged, something Middleton-Hope really appreciates.

“I really appreciate anybody who wants to dust off our signs and place them back up, that’s what neighbours do,” said Middleton-Hope.

Middleton-Hope added many of the people putting up the signs are veterans and youth volunteering their type to support a cause they believe in.

“They’re police veterans, they’re military veterans, they’re students, they’re seniors, so by conducting your behaviours as a middle-aged person really doesn’t speak very well to seniors or to veterans or to the youth and I would hope the citizens of this city would be better than that,” said Middleton-Hope.

Middleton-Hope believes he can provide effective representation for the city, if he is elected, that type of representation which he says Lethbridge has been lacking a long time.

“The reason I’m transitioning is because I’ll have a greater impact and I’ll be able to acquire greater resources, I believe, as a provincial MLA for the citizens of Lethbridge,” said Middleton-Hope.

Win or lose, Middleton-Hope wants good political discourse through the remainder of the campaign.

Also related to the election, Alberta NDP executive director Garett Spelliscy has sent a letter to Chief Electoral Office Doug McClure stating the party is “deeply concerned” that Elections Alberta won’t be sending voter cards out to Lethbridge West residents which he says means voters won’t get the information they need regarding where and when they can vote.

His letter states in light of the Canada Post strike Elections Alberta hasn’t planned adequately to make sure voters get the information they need.

“Election Alberta’s plan to issue social media posts, and ads through the Lethbridge Herald is constructive, but woefully inadequate. Seniors, in particular, face unique barriers to disenfranchisement in this by-election due to the premier’s cynical decision to call the election in the dead of winter, given icy roads and sidewalks. Seniors are less likely to access information through social media,” Spelliscy added.

He also noted that an enumeration of voters hasn’t been conducted by Elections Alberta since 2018.

The letter states that the Dec. 18 voting day “will occur during an already snowy winter and so close to the Christmas holidays, impacting voter turnout.” It states that by-elections already have a lower voter turnout and having this one during the holiday season creates the risk of even fewer voters casting ballots.

The NDP wants Elections Alberta “to conduct robust voter outreach” to ensure residents have the information they need to vote.

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Say What . . .

You will never stop the children who vandalize signs and other property. We have a alot of angry, confused people out there due to many societal issues.
I applaud you Mr. Middleton-Hope for all the hard work you have done on Council, often working 70 hour weeks while only required to work 20. You will be missed on Council if you win. There is HOPE for our city if you do win and HOPE for the Downtown business community and it will be nice to have a Constituency Office open to present our concerns who actually will listen!
Best of Luck!

Kal Itea

sometimes politicians play the victim role to get votes


True but he doesn’t need any sympathy – he is the first decent candidate the party has nominated in a long time – it’s his race to lose


His (John Middleton-Hope) race to win!

Guy Lethbridge

He is the first decent Tory candidate either provincial or federal in a very long time . If the conservatives had more candidates with Hope’s work ethic and character, they would be thought of very differently.


Seriously, no “playing” here. This is outright confirmed vandalism!


This was not an action of a child, and these irresponsible adults should be prosecuted! This is NOT the first election where the NDP reprobates have defaced, damaged, mutilated and removed campaign signs!

There is little the police can or will do regarding this behaviour even when those responsible have been recorded and identified.

The NDP “posse” have already gone around the London Road area removing UCP signs from properties and in some cases erecting their NDP signage where it was not requested.

Remember you irresponsible NDP individuals, “Signs don’t vote” constituents do!”…. Having said this, too bad for Rob Miyashiro as he will not be able to vote in the byelection, because he is NOT a resident of the Lethbridge West Constituency!


Aren’t you running away all half cocked with the notion that NDP members and/or supporters would resort to destroying campaign signs?
Is your pencil box equipped with only black and white crayons to colour your world?
Did you ever stop to consider that the person responsible may be experiencing, for example:

  • a psychotic break because of the challenging ability to access mental health care in this province under the UCP; or
  • the stressful decision as to how to how to divide the income from three or more part time jobs being paid at a pittance in order to cover rent and heating costs, or medications, public transportation, proper meals and/or lunches for their children under the UCP; or
  • the stressful decision to either buy food or pay for medications – a REALITY for many seniors and non-seniors under the UCP; or
  • lack of support because the individual is gender diverse under the UCP; or
  • a woman, young or old, who has been raped or sexually molested by a family member and now finds herself to be pregnant and is not in a position to able to access reproductive health care.

NO. It’s likely you did not give any thought to why anyone would be incensed at seeing a UCP candidates campaign sign in Lethbridge West and made a giant ASSUMPTION that it MUST BE AN NDP MEMBER OR SUPPORTER responsible for this.

Give your head a shake, HaroldP. There are more colours in the pencil box than black or white.


if the ucp candidate is as good as those that believe him to be, then, indeed, he will the first ucp candidate to be worthy. however, as we should best know by now, he will not be able to represent his constituents to any degree beyond what he is party whipped into supporting/not supporting. that is among the very most pressing issues of our rotten, undemocratic party system.