By Alexandra Noad - Lethbridge Herald Local Journalism Initiative Reporter on March 15, 2025.
While the Soup Kitchen faced challenges in the last year, it continues to focus how they have been blessed to be able to continue to serve the vulnerable population in Lethbridge.
For the last 40 years, the Soup Kitchen has served three hot meals Monday through Saturday and two meals each Sunday.
At their annual general meeting it was announced they currently have 23 part-time staff and 800 volunteers who fed a total of 168,000 meals in 2024, which is the equivalent to about 14,000 meals each month.
With the expansion of the shelter, Bill Ginther expects to see an increase of people using the Soup Kitchen.
“The ongoing construction of the new Blood Tribe of Health Shelter, which they say will be done at the end of March, will house 200 people, the current one is 111, we know that we will see an increase of people.”
To help with the demand, the Soup Kitchen is planning on expanding. The projected cost for the expansion is $50,000 dollars.
They have also renovated their dish pit, which ended up costing more than expected as plumbing issues were found during the renovation.
Thanks to a very successful campaign from the E-Free church, the Soup Kitchen was able to reach into the funds to cover the unexpected costs.
Ginther says the Soup Kitchen plans on partnering Streets Alive Mission, who recently purchased the building across the street from them, as they serve the same people in different capacities.
“We serve the same people in somewhat different ways, but we’re looking at how we can partner how we can do things together.”
As the Soup Kitchen is a non-profit organization, they rely on donations and grants to cover expenses. While business and cash contributions were down from 2023, churches and The City of Lethbridge donations were up from the previous year.
Davis Pontiac also donated half of the lease payments for the company vehicle.
With the non-profit being a Christian organization, a group comes every Sunday to do a sermon for the guests.
They are always looking for volunteers and now have a website where individuals and groups can sign up to help with a meal. More information can be found at
Yes, the program to depopulate Standoff and area is proceeding as scheduled. Once the shelter and the new building to the north on Stafford is finished, all we have to do is wait for the “Christians” to build the newly announced 180 bed facility in the industrial park.
I would suggest we will be on target to depopulate Standoff to the point of collapse within 5 years all under the guise of “Savin Lives”! I still talk to Chief’s semi regularily in Standoff and they all silently wonder what will happen to their culture, their community, and their soul. No one will answer them, so I have done my best on Lethbridges behalf.
I told them their culture, their community and their “soul” will be in Lethbridge, and when the shock set in I said sternly
“Hey, were doin God’s work here get the heck out of the way!!! I mean REALLY, why would a bunch of you old buzzards need your off spring around you anyway?? They make noise and get into mischief, let the adults handle it!!!, …… I mean really??? Sheesh….and quit yur cryin, save it for the funerals!
Big money and Christianity is doing an amazing job, a job that Residential Schools failed to achieve, under the guise of “Savin Lives” !! We will have absorbed the culture and people and successfully removed them from the reserve and absorbed them into white mans society. The once proud Blackfoot society will be able to walk past steel structures that resemble a TeePee so they can reflect what was before the whiteman saved them! Soon the proud Blackfoot people will be able to dress up in Blackfoot Traditional Garb,and be available for a little dance 2:30-4:00pm Tuesday and Thursdays with a special showing Saturday at 3:00Pm for a mere $10.00 at the door so they can be reminded just how great they once were before the integration process began! Meanhile the background tune of “Truth and Reconcilliation” will be used to complete the process. Ahh we are such a wonderful people, always helpful and caring.
We have killed off hundreds of thier youth in downtown Lethbridge already, have another 250 on “standby” by mid summer that should reach 340ish with only about 60-80 remaining on the reserve. Don’t fret, you will get those 80 next year, its just a matter of time. They have no one to play with, no one to talk to, no one to relate too so as long as we continue to build homes here with more gov money eventually they will see that to have any fun at all, they have to come to Lethbridge….then you have them!! My suggestion is to start complaining of overcrowding mid year this year demanding a further expansion of facilities and lets face it, why not add one next to the 180 bed facility you are building in the North? Eh? eh? Now you can have two shelters and the young people finally get to play and relate to their brothers who came before them!!
So we should be able to wipe out another generation within the 5 year window as long as the Provincial Government continues to fund these wonderful Christian Organizations, Praise the Lord! We must remain steadfast, remember to produce a tear in the corner of your eye and whimper when talking about giving the “homeless” a home here in Lethbridge.
Always remember when looking for donations to add a little story;
…….. on how you found this small child shivering in the winter and he looked up at you with those big brown eyes saying “if I only had a taxpayer funded two bedroom fully furnished with balcony Hi-Speed Internet, 80 inch surround sound TV, for free! You reached out with your hand and said
…God and I will do it for you, but you can’t go back to the real Blackfoot culture, we will create a “plastic one here in Lethbridge for you” …….with everyone elses money! Praise the Lord!
At this point, Wipeing out Standoff and surrounding Indigenous Communities within 5 year window is achievable. Of course it will require the continued truck loads of money to be brought in by “Semi Trailer to the Social Network of Saviours”. A well executed plan, well done, the really neat thing is, they don’t realize what you are doing, so the plan to complete “Residential Schools Part 2” should go off without a hitch!
Once completed, one has to ask,
“why do those damned indians need all that Blood land if no one is there”
…….any local contractors looking for first dibs on a nice piece of watefront on the Old Man River????
I love master plans especially when they come together!
As always-Lethbridge Herald, I allow you the right to print anything I post, under my real name, but I know you won’t, I’ve tried to many times, too old to bother now…but, I still give permission.