By Canadian Press on March 7, 2025.
OTTAWA — The Liberal government has outlawed another 179 firearm varieties, adding to the list of prohibited guns it considers too dangerous for use by hunters or sport shooters.
The government says all current and future variants of the newly listed firearms are prohibited, whether or not they are named in regulations.
Since May 2020, the federal government has outlawed approximately 2,500 types of guns it calls assault-style firearms.
It says a federal buyback program will provide current owners fair compensation for their outlawed firearms.
The program is already available to businesses and the government plans to expand it to individual owners this spring.
The government also announced a review of firearms classification that will look at modernizing the legal framework for prohibited guns to close gaps in the law.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published March 7, 2025.
Jim Bronskill, The Canadian Press
Most of the guns used in crimes in Canada have been proven to come from the US, smuggled into Canada, with the new threat of 3D printed guns.
Banning weapons from law abiding citizens who respect laws and their priviledge to own a gun is just another reason why you are being kicked out government!
We are facing turbulent times, and you have allowed Canada’s sovereignty to come under threat by the US, and other countries, and your braindead idea is to remove some of those weapons that would help defend our country if we saw an invasion from law abiding owners?
You bankrupt our military, gave away huge amounts of ammunition and weapons without replacing them, and allowed our national security to be compromised while you jetted around the world as an Emperor, so I can only judge by your actions that you want Canada to fall, putting the final nail into the coffin!
Please do us all a favour and leave now, not next week or the week after . . . now!
Damned liberals prorogue parliament and keep shoving their agenda. There is something wrong with this picture.