March 1st, 2025

Monday, August 29, 2016

By Lethbridge Herald Obituaries on August 29, 2016.

Jack Jones

January 27, 1920

– August 24, 2016

Jack passed away in his sleep on Wednesday, August 24, 2016 at the age of 96 years.

A Funeral Service will be held at 1:00pm on Monday, August 29, 2016 at the MARTIN BROTHERS RIVERVIEW CHAPEL, 610 4th Street South, Lethbridge, Alberta, with Canon Allan McCuaig, officiating. A Private Family burial will be held in the Mountain View Cemetery Field of Honor.

Visit to send a private condolence.


WILLIAM “BILL” VICTOR KRANPL, beloved husband of Joanne Kranpl, passed away at the St. Michael’s Health Centre – Palliative Care Unit, on Saturday, August 27th, 2016 at the age of 70 years.

A Prayer Service will be held at OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH – 2405 – 12th Avenue South, Lethbridge, Alberta, on Thursday, September 1st, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. with Deacon Cliff Bogdan officiating.

A Funeral Mass will be Celebrated at OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION CATHOLIC CHURCH on Friday, September 2nd, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. With Father Kevin Tumback celebrating.

A Private Family Interment will be held at Archmount Cemetery.

To send a condolence, please visit


August 28, 1972 – August 20, 2016

“Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:3

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved father, son, brother, and friend, JIMMY KENDALL SHOT BOTH SIDES III, “Aatso’ towa”, on August 20, 2016 at the age of 43 years. Jimmy was born on August 28, 1972 in Fort Macleod, Alberta. He was the second oldest of six children. He comes from a lineage of Kainai Chiefs; maternal great, great, great grandfather, Chief Red Crow, paternal great grandfather, Chief Shot Both Sides and grandfather Chief Jim Shot Both Sides I.

He leaves his children; daughters, Jamie and Shanae; sons, Lance (Vishura) and grandson, Kingston; sons, Taylor, Jaylon and Trace along with their mother, Amanda Shot Both Sides; and son, Joran, along with his mother, Tashina; and his special friend, Tracy Good Striker. His parents, Peggy and Roland Big Throat, and Jim Shot Both Sides II; brothers, Fabian (Patricia) Shot Both Sides, Lorand (Kelly) Big Throat, and Desi (Julie) Big Throat; sisters, LeeAnne (Darcy) Russell and Rolanda Chantelle Big Throat; as well as his nieces and nephews, numerous cousins,; adopted grandmother, Lena Russell. Aunts, Wilma Clearsky, Carol Many Fingers, Marlene Chief Moon, Libbie Chief Moon, Corinne Trixie Chief Moon, Christine (Roy) Bare Shin Bone, Clara Chief Moon, Lena Shot Both Sides, Gabrielle Hairy Bull, Mary Ann (Max) Chief Moon, Patsy (Richard) Right Hand, Verna Fox, Joanne Spearson; great aunts, Linda Bruised Head, Claudia Sugai, Phyllis Holy Spirit, and Lena Chief Calf; with adopted aunt, Shelly Iron Shirt. Uncles, Byron (Shannon) Chief Moon, Kelsey (Tikki) Chief Moon, Alfred, Christopher and Donald Shot Both Sides, John Chief Moon I, Thomas Eagle Child, Hugh Healy, Bobby and Randy (Marjorie) Many Fingers and Andrew Weasel Moccasin, Sr., and Dennis (Mavis) Chief Moon, with adopted uncles, Alvin (Tamara) Many Chiefs, Ryan Many Chiefs, and Pierre (Carol) Many Chiefs. Adopted brothers, Patty Yellow Wings, Butch Plume, Kalum Dan, Bud Davis, Sheldon and Bud Healy, Virgil (Hope) Reevis, Shawn (Serena) Reevis, Earl (Michelle) Tourangeau, John (Kelly) Day Chief, Troy (Gaylene) Sweet Grass, and Kyle Tailfeathers, and other brothers too numerous to name.

In his younger years, he played hockey in Calgary and on the Blood Reserve. Jimmy demonstrated his love for the sport by supporting and encouraging his younger brother Lorand, and his son Joran, in their hockey aspirations. He also helped one of his brothers, Chad Bare Shin Bone, with his start into the sport. He had a passion for music, and loved going to music concerts. His father, Roland, bought him his first guitar, and he became an avid musician, and loved singing and playing guitar. His passion for music led him to teach his younger brother, Desi, to play guitar, and that very passion was then passed onto his son, Trace.

Jimmy was extremely intelligent and ambitious, who was very business minded. After drafting blueprints for the idea of a feedlot on the Blood Reserve, he took an agricultural science course at the Lethbridge College. In 2010, he attended the University of Calgary for business management. He learned his strong work ethics from his father, Jim, who also taught him carpentry and mechanics. With his strong work ethic and being a high energy person, Jimmy always occupied his time with work and school. At the time of his passing, he was a renovations contractor for the Blood Tribe Housing Department. Following in the political footsteps of his grandfathers, Jimmy also pursued tribal politics.

Family was very important to Jimmy, and he was fiercely protective of his loved ones. His children and grandson were the most important part of his life, and they brought great joy and pride to him. He was very supportive of their educational, sport and musical endeavours, and celebrated their achievements always. He was very close to his siblings, and loved his nieces and nephews as his own children. His nieces and nephews looked to him as a father figure. He had a close bond with his younger sisters, LeeAnne and Rolanda. He was very close to his mother, Peggy, and she called him ‘her baby’ and he often reminded his mother of that. His siblings liked to tease him as being ‘her big baby’. Jimmy called his mother, ‘my angel’ and he never hesitated to inform his mother of his whereabouts and who he was with. When he was younger, he would get into mischief with his uncles Fritz and Kelsey Chief Moon, and his aunt Trixie Chief Moon who was referred to as his ‘partner in crime’ because they would do crazy things together when they were younger. He loved his cousins very dearly and called them his brothers and sisters, and rarely used their first names upon greeting them. As the fourth oldest grandchild of Mona Chief Moon, he shared a special bond with her and she was a great support to him, especially when he ran in the tribal elections on the Blood Reserve. As a young child, his paternal grandmother, Annie Shot Both Sides, was willing to raise him as a granny kid but due to an illness was unable to do so but provided for him in other ways.

Jimmy’s motto was, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” And, that he was! He was beautiful in so many ways. His sociable nature, attracted people to Jimmy, and it garnered him many loyal friends who he considered family. Barbecues were his favourite because it provided the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. As a toddler, he was already a character of his own, a go-getter. He was special to everyone. Even so that his great grandfather, Victor Chief Moon, gave him the pet name ‘Jumbo’. As Grandma Mona’s fourth oldest grandchild, his innate ability to lead gave him that take-charge attitude and he was looked up to as the leader amongst his cousins. You can be sure to find him comforting family in times of hardship and encouraging everyone to persevere and rise above the obstacles in their lives. There was a noticeable presence about him that put him at the centre of attention, due in part to his caring and humble ability to make everyone feel accepted. He never excluded anyone. Jimmy had an effervescent laugh that cannot be forgotten. It always rose above others. And, his comical side kept everyone in laughter. Everyone had a special bond with Jimmy, one that was unique to each relationship, and he will be greatly missed.

He was preceded in death by his daughter, Natasha; brother, Roland Jr. and Jimmy Big Throat; sister-in-law Tannis Big Throat; five infant nieces and nephews; grandparents, Mona Chief Moon and Willie Plain Woman, Jim and Annie Shot Both Sides I, and Isabelle Big Throat; uncles Gary and Fritz Chief Moon; Clovis (Delphine), Bernard (Ella) and Rodrig (Molly) Shot Both Sides; aunts, Pauline Eagle Child, Mildred Chief Moon, and Flora Healy; cousins, Daffney Chief Moon, Walter Eagle Child, and Jamie Soosay; great grandparents, Victor and Mary Chief Moon, Chief Jim and Annie Shot Both Sides I, and adopted grandparents, Ray and Adeline Many Chief.

A Family Service will be held at Legacy Funeral Home, Cardston on Monday, August 29th at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Wake Service at the Senator Gladstone Hall, Blood Reserve from 7:00 to 11:00 p.m. to continue all night at the residence of Roland and Peggy Big Throat. The Funeral Service will be at the Senator Gladstone Hall on Tuesday, August 30th at 1:00 p.m.. Interment in the Pioneer Cemetery.

Condolences may be sent to:


May 16, 1926 – August 27, 2016

PETER SZABO SR., beloved husband of the late Maria Szabo, of Lethbridge, passed away at the Chinook Regional Hospital, on Saturday, August 27, 2016 at the age of 90 years.

Peter is survived by his son Peter Jr. (Christina) and grandchildren Madeline, Gabriella, Elizabeth and John. He is also survived by numerous family members in Canada and in Hungary.

A Prayer Service will be held at ST. BASIL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 604 – 13 Street North, Lethbridge, AB., on Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 7:00 P.M.

A Funeral Mass will be celebrated at ST. BASIL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, on Thursday, September 1, 2016 at 11:00 A.M. with Father Kevin Tumback celebrating.

Interment to follow at Mountain View Cemetery.

To send a condolence, please visit


MICHAEL VARZARI, of Lethbridge, passed away at home on Friday, August 26, 2016 at the age of 86 years.

Funeral arrangements will be announced once completed.

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