March 6th, 2025

90-year-old curler still showing passion for the sport

By Lethbridge Herald on March 25, 2022.

By Justin Seward

Lethbridge Herald


Ted Richardson holds the title of the oldest curler at the Lethbridge Curling Club at the age of 90.

Richardson did not start curling until he retired from being a pharmacist in 1995 at the age of 63.

He moved to Lethbridge from Edmonton in 1957.

“I had retired and somebody said, ‘You’ve got nothing to do, come on out,’” said Richardson.

“And ever since they can’t get rid of me.”

Richardson said he fell flat on his face for a while, which was a part of the learning curve.

“I had curled three times in high school,” he said.

“I knew a little bit about what the game was about but I hadn’t curled since.”

Richardson thinks the game is wonderful exercise, has great sociability, is fun and is what keeps him coming back.

“If you feel good and you enjoy it, why not?,” he said.

He has noticed the LCC evolve in the aspect of seeing a new curling rink being build which he says is awesome and the changeover in memberships.

“The game has been the same as it always has been,” said Richardson.

He  thinks it’s great seeing new members come in.

“That keeps this league going,” he said.

Richardson has had to go from a curling broom to a stick.

“(I) can’t come out of the hack anymore,” he said.

“The stick is a marvelous invention because it keeps a bunch of old guys still curling, if they enjoy the game and the sociability.”

Richardson curls in the 50 plus league and depending how he feels will determine on long he will go for.

“We’re just elated to have Ted still out here curling with us,” said Kent Perry, president of the Lethbridge 50 plus curling league.

“It shows all of our curlers that you can curl for a lifetime. I mean he’s still given (it). At 90-years-old, still very active and like I said, he’s still inspirational. I hope that we get more curlers coming in and once they see this and just to see how much fun it is. He’s a joy to be around on and off the ice.”

Perry said he can be very competitive.

“He’s got a wicked take out with that stick. He’s still a great curler at  90 years old.”

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