March 10th, 2025

Team South spots up for grabs this weekend

By Lethbridge Herald on April 28, 2023.

By Justin Seward

Lethbridge Herald

Southern Alberta minor football players at the U16 level hit the gridiron last night in Medicine Hat and today in Lethbridge for the Alberta Summer Games team try-outs.

This will be the first time that football is back in the ASG since 2018 in Grande Prairie.

“Well basically, it’s just good to be back,” said Dave Overes , Football Alberta South minor general manager and offensive line coach for Alberta Summer Games.

“You know, (the) Games got cancelled there twice during COVID. So it’s an experience that the kids, (for) most of them will never forget and friendships will be made and that’s the best part about this whole thing.”

There are 101 players trying out from Lethbridge and area, Pincher Creek, Brooks, Medicine Hat and to Claresholm.

“So basically what we’re looking for is the 35 best players (that are) going to give us a  chance to win gold,” he said.

“We believe  we stand a very good chance. I personally believe that the best football in the province is played down in (the) south here and we just want to go up and prove it.”

This the biggest camp the team has had in terms of numbers.

“So pace is going to be pretty intense,” he said.

“Friday night in Medicine Hat and Saturday morning (in Lethbridge), we will be holding back on the contact a little bit because we don’t want to get anybody hurt. But Saturday afternoon is going to be full bore.”

A player that will be interesting to watch at try-outs will be Grade 8 Taber student, Alaxis Pierson, as she is the only female trying out and according to Overes is one of the best female players in the province.

“With her, it doesn’t change anything,” said Overes.

“We don’t have to be timid around here. She’s physical. When she plays, most of the boys don’t even realize she’s a girl other than the long hair. She’s a heckuva player.”

Overes tells camp attendees to enjoy themselves.

For many players , Overes said this might be there  one chance to win something.

Team South will be joined by three teams from Calgary and area, a Red Deer team and three team from Edmonton and north.

The ASG’s schedule is spread out over a couple of months for football.

Team South will begin their schedule on May 22 in Red Deer for their first game, their second game will be in the middle of July and their final game will be in Okotoks on the weekend of ASG.

The Lethbridge try-outs are from 9 a.m.-noon and scrimmages are  from 2-5 p.m. today  at University of Lethbridge Community Stadium.

The 2023 Alberta Summer Games are in Okotoks and Black Diamond from July 20-23.

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