June 29th, 2024

Horns look to engage alumni in jersey fundraiser

By Lethbridge Herald on June 26, 2024.

SUBMITTED Screenshot photo The University of Lethbridge Pronghorns womenÕs rugby team with debut the new tartan-themed jerseys during the 25th anniversary season. The hope is to add as many alumni names on the jersey through the fundraiser.

By Justin Seward

Lethbridge Herald

The University of Lethbridge Pronghorns Women’s Rugby team is celebrating its 25th year this upcoming season and the alumni cane make it a more memorable experience.

The Horns are looking for alumni who are interested in contributing a minimum $25 donation and have the opportunity to be a part of the team’s history by getting their name printed on both the team’s  new white and blue jersey  for the next three seasons.

“I kind of done something similar in the past with another organization I was with,” said Graeme Moffat, Horns rugby head coach.

“We didn’t use the names; we used the clubs. I coached the Prairie Wolf Pack (and) we wanted to represent all the clubs from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. So I knew kind of the bones of the idea would work.”

The team factored in ways they could engage alumni.

“It’s not so much about raising money but more just about kind of (connecting) the past, present and the future,” said Moffat.

The names will be in small print on the jerseys, which will have the university’s tartan logo designed in them.

“I think it will be quite a special jersey just for the 25-year anniversary,” said Moffat.

Moffat hopes to make the $5,000 donation mark out of this initiative.

Moffat anticipated that the total is around $3,500 right now.

There will be replica jerseys for sale for players , alumni and support staff.

Other fundraisers happening for the rugby team include a golf tournament, a whiskey fundraiser and another fundraiser at Bourbon and Butter .

All the funds raised will go back in to the program to cover costs for things such as exhibition travel.

Donations deadline is July 5 and can be made at http://www.encompass.ulethbridge.ca.

The jerseys will debut in the Sept. 7 home opener.

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