March 12th, 2025

Miller set to compete in the Sprint Car 360 Knoxville Nationals

By Lethbridge Herald on July 30, 2024.

Alexandra Noad


Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

A Lethbridge man will be competing in the Sprint Car 360 Knoxville Nationals this upcomming weekend.

Kelly Miller is a second generation sprint car racer who followed in his father’s footsteps.

According to the NAPA blog sprint car racing can be traced back to before World War I where racers hit the dirt at a horsetrack at an Indiana State Fairgrounds.

Miller says having the oportunity to compete in the 360 Knoxville nationals is a pretty neat experience.

“It’s the biggest race for our class in North America. So, we get to compete against the best people across Canada, the U.S., Australia. So it’s it’s pretty amazing that a little team out of Lethbridge Alberta, Canada can travel 25 hours down th the racing capital of the world,” said Miller.

They say it takes a village and Miller is grateful to the many sponsers he has around him.

“We’re very grateful that we get the opportunity to do that. And we have a lot of sponsors and help us to go down the road and compete at these events,” said Miller.

The Knoxville 360 nationals start Thursday and run until Sunday and can be streemed at

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