March 3rd, 2025

Submit Photo or Video

Send Us Your Photo or Video

Photographs and videos submitted by the public to the Lethbridge Herald become the property of Lethbridge Herald. By submitting photos or videos, the person is thereby authorizing them to be published in the newspaper or on our website. All photos and videos submitted may or may not be used, depending on quality and demand.

Before you click on the submit button go over all the information and make sure its correct. Then when you're ready, click on the submit button.
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Note: We accept jpeg images no larger than 4MB and avi, wmv, mov, mp4 videos no larger than 20MB. Due to the larger sizes of video files, you may get a white page after upload. This does not necessarily mean it did not upload. However, if there are any problems with the file a News Team member will contact you.