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FREDRICK It is with heavy hearts the family of SHARON ARLENE FREDRICK announces her passing on Wednesday, September 16th, 2015, at 72 years of age after a brief but valiant battle with cancer. A Funeral Service will be held at IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 20 Rocky Mountain Blvd. West, Lethbridge, on Monday, September 21st, 2015 at
LEWKO JEANETTE HELEN LEWKO, beloved wife of the late Thomas Lewko, passed away in Lethbridge on Saturday, September 19, 2015 at the age of 89 years. Funeral arrangements to be announced when completed. Rita McKaig 1951 – 2015 Mrs. Rita McKaig of Coaldale, beloved wife of the late Mr. Donald McKaig, passed away at Coaldale
BAD ARM It is with heavy hearts we announce the sudden passing of TAKALA ROSE PEARL BAD ARM. She leaves to mourn her father Darcy (Dallas); her siblings, Justine, Montana, Sadie, Patrick, Tayshaun, Dee, Darious, Dalilah; grandparents Craig and Linda Fox; adopted parents David and Beverly Tailfeathers-Maiers; adopted mother Marie Soosay; adopted siblings Dana, Tuffy,
Gregory Chyz 1961 – 2015 Mr. Gregory Chyz of Lethbridge, beloved husband of Mrs. Irene Chyz, passed away on Thursday, September 10, 2015 at the age of 54 years. A Memorial Service will be held at 3:00pm, on Friday, September 18, 2015 at MARTIN BROTHERS RIVERVIEW CHAPEL, 610 – 4th Street South, Lethbridge. Interment to
ANDERSON SHIELA DIANE ANDERSON passed away at the St. Michael’s Health Centre – Palliative Care Unit on Sunday, September 13th, 2015 at the age of 61 years. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at CORNERSTONE FUNERAL HOME – 2800 Mayor Magrath Drive South, Lethbridge, Alberta on Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 11:00 A.M.
ANDERSON SHIELA DIANE ANDERSON passed away at the St. Michael’s Health Centre – Palliative Care Unit on Sunday, September 13th, 2015 at the age of 61 years. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at CORNERSTONE FUNERAL HOME – 2800 Mayor Magrath Drive South, Lethbridge, Alberta on Thursday, September 17th, 2015 at 11:00 A.M.
ANDERSON SHIELA DIANE ANDERSON passed away at the St. Michaels Health Centre – Palliative Care Unit on Sunday, September 13th, 2015 at the age of 61 years. She is lovingly remembered by her siblings Terry Anderson and Ronald Anderson, nephew, Steven (Becky) Hochstein and their daughter Zoey all of Lethbridge, as well as cousins Dorothy
BECK ADELINE JULIA BECK passed away in Cardston Alberta on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at the age of 94 years. The Funeral service will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, South Hill Chapel, Cardston on Thursday, September 17 at 11:00 a.m. Friends may meet the family from 10:00 to 10:45
DALKE DONALD “DON” DALKE, of Lethbridge, beloved husband of Marjorie Dalke, passed away at the Chinook Regional Hospital, on Saturday, September 12, 2015 at the age of 84 years. Funeral arrangements will be announced once completed. Bill Huvenaars 1930 – 2015 Â It is with sadness we announce the passing away of our dear husband, father
Calahan Henry Bruder Calahan (Henry) Bruder, passed away tragically on September 6, 2015, near Beaver Mines, AB. Calahan was born in Pincher Creek, AB on March 1, 1996. He lived and went to school in Pincher Creek, AB. Calahan was the happiest when he was working with his Dad, Lorne, on the rigs. Nothing in
ANDERSON EVA DAHL (SMITH) ANDERSON passed away at the Good Samaritan’s Society in Raymond on Monday, September 7, 2015 at the age of 79 years. She is the loving mother of: Roger (Lori) Smith, Greg Smith, Gerald Smith, all of Seattle, Washington, and Brian (Kelly) Smith of Baltimore, Maryland. She is also survived by her