October 22nd, 2024

Local Entertainment

Budget discussions have been a long, interesting time

By Lethbridge Herald on November 12th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald From Monday to Friday, Lethbridge city council acting in its capacity as Economic Standing Policy committee will be crafting a four-year budget for Lethbridge. They’ve heard the presentations from committees, departments and organizations and after the weekend they will be getting down to the nitty gritty to ... Read More »

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Tipping expectations getting unreasonable

By Lethbridge Herald on October 29th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Bieber – Lethbridge Herald It’s becoming a hot button topic and I’m sure you know what I’m talking about – not the city budget deliberations but rather the sensitive subject of tipping. A cartoon we ran on our editorial page last week pretty much summed it up with a debit ... Read More »

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Residents should brace for property tax increases

By Lethbridge Herald on October 22nd, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald Two weeks of chainsawing my leg, walking the dog and napping came to an end Monday when work beckoned once again. The two-week break was the longest I’ve taken in recent memory and I accomplished pretty much everything on my should-do list. The yard work is done ... Read More »

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Dreaded autumn yard work is beckoning

By Lethbridge Herald on October 1st, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald The time has come to say farewell – for two weeks. Yup, it’s autumn and that means a ton of yard work to get done before the dreaded snow begins falling and temperatures plummet. With 12 Swedish columnars in the back yard, multiple rose bushes, vines and ... Read More »

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The last three decades have gone by too quickly

By Lethbridge Herald on September 24th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald Three days ago my only child turned 30. As dawn breaks today, I’m still trying to figure out how three decades passed so quickly. One day I was holding my little preemie in my arms and facing immediate death by suggesting in jest we name him after ... Read More »

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Is a provincial sales tax worth considering?

By Lethbridge Herald on September 17th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald In coming weeks, Alberta will have a new premier. For how long though, nobody knows with a provincial election looming sometime next spring. What’s clear is the UCP and NDP politicians are going to give Albertans one interesting battle on the campaign trail. While Alberta is flush ... Read More »

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Morning’s darkness a clear sign winter is not far away

By Lethbridge Herald on September 3rd, 2022

Summer is over. It’s hard to believe but for all intents and purposes, it’s true. With the Labour Day weekend upon us, it’s safe to say goodbye to months of heat and long days, the latter which have ended too soon. With Labour Day, a holiday on which many will be working, comes the reality ... Read More »

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Ottawa needs to say goodbye to ArriveCAN

By Lethbridge Herald on August 27th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald Since it was launched in February of last year, the federal government’s ArriveCAN app has been a huge source of contention among Canadians. I’ve talked to seniors who had problems trying to input their vaccination information into it or add the correct departure and arrival dates. I ... Read More »

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Council in a no-win situation on the camp situation

By Lethbridge Herald on July 30th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald During a marathon meeting that continued on with other matters past the main focus of discussion on Tuesday, city council acted to address the homeless camp situation.  And it may be acting again at an upcoming special council meeting or meeting of an SPC to address the ... Read More »

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Council knows residents concerned about camps

By Lethbridge Herald on July 9th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald Residents of Lethbridge can be forgiven if they feel the city is under siege with the explosion of homeless encampments here. Drive along Stafford Drive past Alpha House and you will regularly see tent camps set up. Ditto with the Civic Centre field which is probably the ... Read More »

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Lethbridge Exhibition doing its 125th anniversary right

By Lethbridge Herald on June 18th, 2022

LEAVE IT TO BEEBER Al Beeber Lethbridge Herald Hats off to the Lethbridge and District Exhibition for planning a great celebration for its 125th anniversary. While Whoop-Up Days were celebrated last year after COVID-19 restrictions were briefly lifted following more than a year of masking and social distancing, I’m betting people are ready to let ... Read More »

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