January 20th, 2025

LPS crackdown on stunting

By Tim Kalinowski on March 23, 2021.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDtkalinowski@lethbridgeherald.com

The Lethbridge Police Service will be making a more concerted effort to crackdown on stunting, racing and dangerous driving after receiving a raft of complaints from the public in recent weeks.
“The complaints range from speeding, racing, stunting, careless driving, and excessive exhaust noise,” explained Sgt. Kevin Talbot, commander of the LPS Traffic Response Unit. “The issues can occur at all times of day; however the problematic times appear to be in the evening and night when citizens are at home trying to relax, but are disturbed by the sound of vehicles. The growling of engines and the squealing of tires.
“The public are complaining,” he added, “and we have to respond in some fashion … This activity won’t be tolerated, and we are out there trying to improve it.”
Talbot said the most common areas in which to receive complaints about these types of motor vehicle antics are on Mayor Magrath Drive South and North, all along Scenic Drive, 24th Avenue South, Whoop-Up Drive West west of the ATB Centre, and on Metis Trail West.
“The Lethbridge Police Service will focus enforcement in these areas,” Talbot stated, “and violations will be issued.”
Fines range from $110-$495 for speeding with two to six demerits depending on the severity of the offence. Stunting will cost you $567 and three demerits. Racing and driving carelessly will also land you $567 each and six demerit points.
Talbot encouraged members of the public to write down licence plates, and call into the LPS complaints line to report those engaged in these types of activities on Lethbridge city streets.
“As the spring weather gets warmer,” he said, “and the roadways become busier, the amount of traffic also extends longer into the evening, and in some cases at night. Most motorists drive respectfully, and abide by traffic laws, but unfortunately there are a few individuals who do not.”

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Ticket or give a warning to the dozens of folks parked in those parking lots near 3rd Ave and Mayor Magrath in the evening… it’s all private property and there is no reason to be there.