September 14th, 2024

Local school divisions make changes following provincial announcement

By Lethbridge Herald on February 10, 2022.

Lethbridge and Holy Spirit Catholic school divisions have reacted to the Alberta government’s announcement on Tuesday to loosen COVID-19 restrictions in the province.
The two divisions issued separate statements to the public on Wednesday.
Lethbridge School Division stated it was “disappointed the division did not have advanced notice prior to the announcement. The Board has expressed frustration with the continued lack of consultation and information provided to divisions across the province ahead of similar public announcements.”
LSD will continue to follow all provincial health mandates, as expressed in the guiding documents for education, which has been the case since the beginning of the pandemic.
LSD pointed out that “the Premier and Minister of Education have made it clear in the press conference and in writing that school divisions do not have the authority to require masks for children and youth in grades K-12 following the date of Monday, February 14. Division schools will follow the direction from the province.”
The Board and Division staff members assured all parents and students that the choice to continue to wear a mask will be supported.
“We strongly support any masking decisions our parents may make, and also support our staff in navigating through this change,” said Board Chair Allison Purcell.
The Board is hoping the Alberta COVID-19 Guidance for Schools (K-12) and Buses will be updated prior to next week to assist with a consistent application of any new guidelines.
In its own statement, Holy Spirit Catholic School Division announced that as of Feb. 14, “students will not be required to wear masks in schools, though mask use is still highly recommended. It should be noted that adults, such as staff, bus drivers, and visitors, are still required to wear masks in school settings. This practice is expected to remain in place until Tuesday, March 1, 2022, so long as hospitalizations in the province continue to trend down.”
The division will be allowing spectators into schools for school sports and extracurricular activities, but masks will be required for all adults attending until further masking restrictions are officially removed.
“As plans continue, please know that the division takes seriously its duty to provide safe and caring learning environments for all students. Students are expected to be respectful of each other and the choices that they make to protect their own physical and mental health. As such, harassment, bullying or discrimination of any type will not be tolerated,” stated the division.

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Reported in the Winnipeg Free Press this morning:

The Manitoba government will stick to following COVID-19 indicators, not protesters’ demands or neighbouring premiers, in deciding when to lift vaccination and mask requirements. Dr. Jazz Atwal, deputy chief provincial public health, said Wednesday restrictions will only be lifted in Manitoba when it is safe to do so.

Refreshing to observe leadership decisions based on science and a concern for the health of the residents of Manitoba.


Not in Steinbach