October 23rd, 2024

Calgary pastor ordered released on Coutts charges; still in custody on previous matters

By Delon Shurtz - Lethbridge Herald on March 26, 2022.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDdshurtz@lethbridgeherald.com

A judge has granted Calgary pastor Artur Pawlowski’s bid for freedom, and released him from custody Friday following a lengthy bail review in Lethbridge Court of Queen’s Bench.
Madam Justice Gaylene Kendell pointed out, however, that while Pawlowski is released on charges relating to the Coutts blockade in January and February, he will remain in custody on charges alleging breaches of previous court orders, for which he has yet to have an judicial interim release hearing.
Pawlowski, who faces one charge under the provincial Critical Infrastructure Defence Act, and criminal charges of breaching a release order to keep the peace and committing mischief by inciting others to block the lawful use of public property, was released on $25,000 cash bail. His wife and son are also sureties for his release, and are on the hook for $10,000 and $2,000 respectively should Pawlowski breach his bail conditions.
Those conditions stipulate that Pawlowski must keep the peace and behave himself, attend court when required, abide by court orders, report to a probation officer as required, reside at his southeast Calgary residence, and obey a curfew between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., except on Fridays when he attends Street Church. And while he can hold street church services during the week as usual, he is prohibited from attending protests.
Pawlowski, who was detained at the Calgary Remand Centre before being moved to the Edmonton Remand Centre Thursday, was arrested Feb. 8, only days after he attended the protest in Coutts. While at the protest, he gave a speech at Smugglers Saloon and is heard in a video telling protestors to not give up the fight against government mandates.
Although details of the QB bail review this week are subject to a publication ban, Pawlowski’s initial bail hearing in Lethbridge provincial court in February when he was detained, is not subject to a publication ban.
During that bail hearing Feb. 10, Crown Prosecutor Steven Johnston said Pawlowski’s speech does not promote a peaceful protest but is laced with threats of violence, and he repeated the accused’s comments that there aren’t enough police or a big enough army to deal with the protestors.
“He’s not talking about in any manner a peaceful protest at that point in time,” Johnston said. “He’s clearly in the context of his speech referencing to the notion that there would be some sort of violence.”
Pawlowski is also prepared to be arrested for the cause and encourages people to rise up against the rules, Johnston added. Pawlowski also said “if this is our Alamo, then so be it.”
That comment, Johnston suggested, is a dimly veiled reference to the soldiers who died to “the very last man” while defending the Alamo Mission.
“The Crown says that is not a veiled threat to violence, it’s an overt threat to violence.”
Judge Erin Olsen refused to release Pawlowski and said there is a substantial likelihood that the accused will, if released from custody, commit a criminal offence or interfere with the administration of justice.
“The accused’s pattern of behaviour speaks volumes about his willful commission of offences and/or violations of court and public health orders,” Olsen said.
Pawlowski, a Polish immigrant who grew up under Communist oppression before emigrating to Canada, made international headlines after he was arrested last May for holding worship services during Calgary’s COVID lockdown. He was subsequently released, but is charged with breaching his release conditions.

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The authorities have thrown the book at this person , obviously trying to make an example of him. If he suffered under previous communist governments he can now be welcomed into the new communist states of the west, where you have no more rights of free speech than you did before.