October 23rd, 2024

Multi-family properties focus of organics rollout

By Lethbridge Herald on May 6, 2022.

Herald file photo by Al Beeber City staff deliver green bins in Legacy Ridge recently. The first phase of the curbside organics program is starting in three neighbourhoods with the initial collection date set for May 12.

Al Beeber – LETHBRIDGE HERALD – abeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

The City of Lethbridge is planning to launch its organics collection program into multi-family properties starting in the fall of 2023.

A report submitted to the Civic Works Standing Policy Committee of Lethbridge City Council on Thursday by Waste and Recycling general manager Mandi Parker, says the launch will be done in two phases.

The committee includes chair and acting mayor Belinda Crowson, vice-chair and councillor Nick Paladino along with councillors John Middleton-Hope and Ryan Parker.

The first phase, which is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2023 and run until summer of 2024, will involve properties that have 45 or fewer dwelling units. There are presently 124 of those properties here with 2,585 units, says the report.

The second phase for properties with more than 45 units will run in the summer and fall of 2024 until its completion in 2025. There are currently 50 such properties here with 4,467 units.

More than a dozen members of the public watched the SPC proceedings with several making presentations about the planned program. Speakers expressed concerns about the space for an extra bin at their property or the need for it.

Parker told the meeting engagement with stakeholders will begin this fall. The exact nature of those engagements has yet to be determined because the process is in its initial stages.

She said the plan is to tailor multi-family recycling to the needs of each property with staff engaging and working with properties to determine the best method to deliver the organics program. Space needs and collection method will be among discussions.

She said before implementation of the program, staff will strive to identify, understand and find solutions for issues that are specific to properties as well as determining optimal locations for organics collection.

One speaker from River Ridge Condos on 2 Ave. S. told the SPC their condo group is open to working with the city on the issue and suggested that discussions begin shortly so there will be time to find mutually agreeable ideas. She said very little space exists to store another bin and residents have concerns with matters such as odours that may emanate from the organics bins.

Another resident of that complex called the program another tax, adding if the City makes changes “it’s going to be a nightmare.”

A resident of another complex said “we can’t visualize how that can work to our advantage,” referring to organics pickup and citing problems keeping the blue recycling bins from overturning and spreading paper around.

A resident of Waterton Village, one of several from the west Lethbridge complex who attended the meeting, said people at that complex want an exemption from organics pickup, calling it “rather wasteful to have excessive bins.”

Waterton Village residents are required to keep bins in their garages and “two is a struggle,” said the speaker adding he doesn’t think it’s a good use of city resources to pick up minimal waste.

A condo manager said while people agree there is definitely a need to reduce waste, a program like the one the City is planning isn’t feasible in some locations.

In response to a question from councillor Jeff Carlson who was following the meeting remotely, Parker said waste acceptable in the green bins includes grass clippings, leaves and other yard material as well as food and things such as chicken bones. Even stained pizza boxes and napkins, which can’t be put in the blue recycling bins, can go into the organics bins, she said.

Follow @albeebHerald on Twitter.

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Am I wrong in thinking that for a project in which ” engagement” and ” consultation” are yet to occur and which is being implemented on a ” trial basis ” a heck of a lot of $ is being expended and opertaions put into place which will then lead to Adminstration saying we are too deeply invested to modifty or rescind this stupid plan ?
…oh…and Ms Parker….CONDOS etc use commercial lawn care services…unit owners don’t do their own lawns, leaves etc and thus do not need bins. I also suspect seniors in most of these complexes generate too few stained pizza boxes to make this a worthwhile endeavour.
Past council lept onto this greenie bandwagon to save us from ourselves with an enthusiasm usually reserved for voting themselves raises. I had hopes new counsel might have more sense.


Having a married City of Lethbridge manager and elected council member on the committee seems like a conflict of interest to me.

  1. The cry out will be the trucks are running empty.The GM waste has produced no results of test run of green bin food waste content on residential. The City Council cannot justify their $17.9m organic program with residential tonnage of 6,000 tonnes compared to the over 20,000 tones of ICI business deposited in their special landfill #7 for past seven years.,no targets up to 2021. $50.00 tipping feeThe 2021 waste to landfill tonnage increased 129247 tonnes. The former Gm waste and a Waste tech stated 75% of waste to land fill is ICI business in comparison to Residential 22000 tonnes . The residentials. produce some 6900 tonnes but have over 12000 tonnes of diversion no credit for diversion. We already have a compost facility capable of handling 10,000 tonnes of organics yard waste The most serious problem that residents must challenge Council on is the $10.9 million Organic facility capacity of 20,000 tonnes the consultant’s reports state Resident Organic collection will generate 3900 tonnes ,the ICI business over 20,000 tonnes of Organic/food waste, the facility is costed to residentials . WE pay on the borrowing debt and $1,4 million in tipping fee to our building What will the ICI business pay $115.00 tipping fee?

Ken, you should evaluate the expenditures against the value of benefits and the avoided costs of pollution. If you were to do so, you would find this is a value-added effort (as has every other municipality in the country).

Besides, you failed to mention the $10 million in grants awarded to Lethbridge for the management of organics.

Is this Transparency Council presentation, here, an effort to deceive or simple incompetence?


sounds like the new GM waste &recycling does not understand what contamination means stained pizza go in black cart, food waste go intoi city promoted called back yard composter over 12000 or insink garburators the first city voluntary waste diversion program do not need a green cart


Diverting organic waste from the dump is a very effective way to reduce air and water pollution and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Any responsible citizen who cares one iota about the future of their children and grandchildren would be fully supportive of this project.