September 8th, 2024

Interfaith Food Bank looking for help for Canada Day activities

By Trevor Busch - Lethbridge Herald on June 2, 2022.


The interfaith Food Bank Society is looking for vendors, performers and volunteers volunteers for Canada Day festivities at Galt Gardens. Events will run from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m.
The society of will host Canada Day activities at Galt Gardens this year, provided in part by Mikado Electric and the City of Lethbridge.
Festivities will begin with a charity breakfast to support Interfaith Food Bank while Le Baron’s Car Club will host a Show and Shine, and Downtown BRZ will provide Picnics in the Park through the afternoon.
Several other activities are planned throughout the day, including entertainment on the Community Stage hosted by Rock 106.7 and Kiss 107.7.
Interfaith Food Bank is inviting community members who would like to be involved with the celebration:
•Performers to provide entertainment on the Community Stage – Showcase your talent, culture or tradition. Acts can include live music, traditional performances or active displays such as Yoga.
• Artists and vendors for an outdoor market – sell your locally made products or share opportunities for community involvement with your group or hobby.
• Volunteers to assist with the charity breakfast, concession, setup and take down .
Anyone who would like to be considered for participation can complete the online form at, or to connect directly with the food bank.
For more information about this and other upcoming events to support Interfaith Food Bank, contact Cris at 403-320-8779 or email

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pursuit diver

Interfaith Food Bank is an excellent organization which I support and if I were not already booked for that day I would volunteer for them.
I am wondering how many people will actually go to the downtown celebrations since the numbers last year were so poor that I would estimate they were only about 10% of what we used to see. They do have some good events for that day and nothing would make me happier to once again be able to enjoy events in that park without the addicts/syringes/overdoses or the panhandlers/intimidation/public urination.
I used to love going to events there before the addicts took over the park and I don’t stand alone saying that many just do not want to go there because of that! Most will not use the park as a venue, including the RibFest, Shakespeare in the Park and other ethnic events.
When are we going to say we have had enough and take back our parks and streets. Every park in the downtown are had addicts/freeloaders that do not want to work for living, but take from society and we provide them all the clothing they want, meals at the soup kitchen, multiple organiations walking the streets handing out sandwiches/meals, so they can blow their AISH/welfare/treaty checks on drugs and booze!
We have made the perfect climate for them not to work, costing the taxpayers of this city alone millions every year for all the services we have had to employ and high costs of police/fire/EMS. Will we ever learn????